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Issue #136

▪️ Aurora
     ▫️ PostgreSQL 16.3, 15.7, 14.12, 13.15, and 12.19
     ▫️ pgvector 0.7.0
▪️ Backup Logically air-gapped vault | GA
▪️ Bedrock Titan Image Generator v2
▪️ CloudWatch Application Signals supports Bedrock
▪️ CodeBuild three new Arm-based compute types
▪️ Cognito
     ▫️ disallow password reuse and stream security events
     ▫️ detect additional risks and cover custom authentication flows
▪️ Connect
     ▫️ audio optimization for WorkSpaces cloud desktops
     ▫️ additional agent scheduling staffing rules
▪️ Control Tower 2 new descriptive control APIs
▪️ DataZone business use case-based grouping with data products
▪️ ECR New version of basic scanning | GA
▪️ EFS up to 30 GiB/s (50% increase) of read throughput
▪️ Elastic Load Balancing Trust Store supports cross-account sharing using Resource Access Manager
▪️ EMR v7.2 supports Apache Spark 3.5.1
▪️ Glue
     ▫️ ML-powered Glue Data Quality capability | GA
     ▫️ Data Catalog views | GA with Athena and Redshift
▪️ Marketplace new dashboard and data feed to track customer agreement and renewals for sellers
▪️ Migration Acceleration Program Simplified VMware funding experience in Partner Central
▪️ QuickSight nested filters
▪️ Resilience Hub Improved resource grouping capabilities
▪️ RDS
     ▫️ Oracle supports July 2024 Release Update
     ▫️ PostgreSQL supports minor versions 16.4, 15.8, 14.13, 13.16, and 12.20
     ▫️ Db2 supports loading data from S3
     ▫️ PostgreSQL 17 Beta 3 available in preview environment
▪️ Sagemaker Jumpstart-powered large language models available in Redshift ML
▪️ Snowball Edge Storage Optimized 210TB device offers lower capacity pricing option
▪️ Timestream Terraform support for InfluxDB deployments
▪️ Verified Permissions Improves support for OIDC identity providers
▪️ VPC private IPv6 addressing for VPCs and subnets
▪️ WorkSpaces
     ▫️ G4dn Personal bundles with WSP for Windows
     ▫️ Thin Client supports WorkSpaces Pools