Issue #164

▪️ Amplify Hosting IAM roles for SSR apps
▪️ AppStream 2.0 Certificate-Based Authentication for multi-session fleets
▪️ Billing
▫️ Backup Payment Methods for invoices
▫️ China UnionPay credit card to create an AWS account
▪️ CodePipeline
▫️ native Amazon EC2 deployment support
▫️ native Amazon EKS deployment support
▪️ Data Firehose delivery streams CDK L2 construct
▪️ DMS Multi-ENI networking for homogeneous migrations
▪️ DMS Serverless comprehensive premigration assessments
▪️ ECS higher CPU limit for ECS tasks to 192 vCPUs
▪️ Elastic Beanstalk Windows Server 2025 environments
▪️ EMR dynamic reconfiguration for instance fleets
▪️ Lake Formation with EMR on EKS fine-grained access control
▪️ MSK Kafka version 3.8
▪️ Network Firewall automated domain lists and insights
▪️ Price List API supports AWS PrivateLink
▪️ SES Outbound now delivers to Mail Manager Archives
▪️ Timestream for InfluxDB Read Replica support
▪️ WAF Data Protection and logging experience