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Issue #163

Issue #163

▪️ AppSync
     ▫️ Comprehensive context object mocking
     ▫️ GraphQL operation-level caching for faster GraphQL API responses
▪️ CloudFormation support for Transfer Family web apps
▪️ CloudTrail network activity events for VPC endpoints | GA
▪️ CloudWatch Application Signals Runtime Metrics for .NET Applications
▪️ CloudWatch lock contention diagnostics for Aurora PostgreSQL
▪️ CodePipeline adds CloudWatch Metrics support
▪️ Connect Contact Lens
     ▫️ automated actions based on hold times and agent interaction time
     ▫️ dashboard with aggregated insights on agent performance evaluations
▪️ Deadline Cloud Adobe After Effects in Service-Managed Fleets
▪️ DynamoDB auto-approval of quota adjustments
▪️ ECS update services from short to long ARNs
▪️ EFS up to 10,000 access points per EFS file system
▪️ EKS Secrets and Configuration Provider for Pod Identity
▪️ EBS full snapshot size information in Console and API
▪️ FSx for Lustre now supports Lustre version upgrades
▪️ HealthScribe GIRPP note template for behavioral health
▪️ Inspector enhances the security engine for container images scanning
▪️ Lambda APM for Java and .NET runtimes via Application Signals
▪️ Network Load Balancer removing availability zones
▪️ Polly new voice in Singaporean English
▪️ Q Developer upgrade to Java 21
▪️ RDS for MySQL Extended Support minor 5.7.44-RDS.20250103
▪️ RDS for PostgreSQL minor versions 17.3, 16.7, 15.11, 14.16, 13.19
▪️ RDS for SQL Server new minor version in January 2025
▪️ Redshift Serverless reduction in IP Address Requirements to 3 per Subnet
▪️ SES tiered pricing for Virtual Deliverability Manager