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Issue #117

▪️  Amazon Linux AL2023.4 and EKS optimized AMI
▪️  AppFabric Dynatrace support
▪️  Aurora PostgreSQL Reserved Instances for Optimized Reads
▪️  B2B Data Interchange
      ▫️  additional finance, transportation, supply chain X12 transactions
      ▫️  sends events to EventBridge
▪️  Batch multi-container jobs via Console
▪️  Bedrock
      ▫️  Knowledge Bases Claude 3 Sonnet
      ▫️  Knowledge Bases customize prompts and number of retrieval results
      ▫️  Knowledge Bases metadata filtering
▪️  Billing and Cost Management Data Exports now supports CloudFormation
▪️  Chime SDK new API endpoints for media pipelines in Seoul, Mumbai, Sydney, Tokyo, Canada, and London
▪️  CloudFormation Console visualization of stacks in Application Composer
▪️  CloudWatch Logs increased default quotas
▪️  CodeBuild GitLab and GitLab Self Managed
▪️  CodeCatalyst workflows runtime image selection
▪️  CodeConnections formerly known as AWS CodeStar Connections
▪️  Compute Optimizer
      ▫️  +51 EC2 instance types
      ▫️  memory customizability
▪️  Connect
      ▫️  agent workspace supports 3-rd party apps | GA
      ▫️  forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling | GA +4reg
      ▫️  guided chat experiences using step-by-step guides
      ▫️  Contact Lens automates agent performance evaluations
      ▫️  Contact Lens gen AI-powered post-contact summaries  | GA
▪️  Cost Allocation Tags support retroactive up to 12 months application
▪️  DataZone AI recommendations for descriptions | GA
▪️  DynamoDB Import from S3 - up to 50K S3 objects in a single bulk import
▪️  EC2
      ▫️  C7gn metal instance is now available
      ▫️  ECS-Optimized AMIs support AL2 Kernel 5.10 for GPU and Inf Instances
      ▫️  set IMDSv2 as default for all new instance launches in your account
      ▫️  VSS Managed Policies for valid application consistent backups
▪️  ECR improved version of basic scanning | Preview
▪️  ElastiCache Serverless more controls for scaling
▪️  EventBridge Confluent Cloud integration in the AWS console
▪️  Global Accelerator
      ▫️  +5 CloudWatch metrics
      ▫️  enable sharing BYOIP space across accounts
▪️  GuardDuty EC2 Runtime Monitoring | GA
▪️  IAM Roles Anywhere credentials that are valid for up to 12 hours
▪️  IoT Core  LoRaWAN adds metrics monitoring capability
▪️  Lens Catalog +4 Well-Archictected lenses
▪️  Lightsail AlmaLinux 9 blueprint
▪️  Managed Service for Prometheus collector now supports CloudFormation
▪️  Marketplace Sellers Tax dashboard | GA
▪️  Partners Slack Connect for AWS sales to collaborate with customer and partners
▪️  RDS Custom for Oracle X2iezn instances
▪️  SageMaker Canvas new pricing for training tabular models
▪️  SageMaker Console migrate existing domains
▪️  Systems Manager RHEL 8.9 and 9.3