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Issue #134

▪️  AWS APN self-guided journey for Services Path
▪️  Amazon MQ quorum queues for RabbitMQ 3.13
▪️  AppConfig feature flag targets, variants, and splits
▪️  Bedrock
      ▫️ Meta Llama 3.1
      ▫️ Mistral Large 2
      ▫️ Meta Llama 3.1 405B | GA
▪️  Clean Rooms new capabilities for entity resolution, ML modeling, privacy, and analysis controls
▪️  CloudTrail CloudWatch RUM PutRumEvents API
▪️  Connect Contact Lens
      ▫️ gen AI-powered summaries within seconds after a contact ends
      ▫️ new dashboard for outbound campaign analytics
▪️  Cost Categories “Billing Entity” dimension
▪️  DataSync agentless cross-region data transfers to include opt-in regions
▪️  DocumentDB
      ▫️ change streams on reader instances
      ▫️ improvements to document compression
▪️  ECR repository creation templates | GA
▪️  ECS Amazon Linux 2023 and more for on-premises container workloads
▪️  EKS new controls for Kubernetes version support policy
▪️  EMR 24 months support
▪️  GameLift AWS Nigeria Local Zone
▪️  HealthImaging enhanced copy and update capabilities
▪️  KMS increases default service quotas for cryptographic operations
▪️  Mainframe Modernization Code Conversion with mLogica | GA
▪️  Open Source Signer Notation plugin for container image signing
▪️  SageMaker faster auto-scaling for Generative AI models
▪️  SageMaker JumpStart Meta Llama 3.1
▪️  Step Functions Customer Managed Keys
▪️  VPC IPAM BYOIP for IPs registered with any Internet Registry