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Issue #138

▪️ Amplify multiple bucket support for Storage
▪️ Bedrock
     ▫️ select FMs for batch inference at 50% of on-demand inference price
     ▫️ Knowledge Bases supports Claude 3.5 Sonnet
▪️ CloudFormation resource discovery and template review in the IaC Generator
▪️ CloudHSM new hsm2m.medium instance type
▪️ CodeBuild Mac builds
▪️ Connect
     ▫️ new ways to configure callbacks
     ▫️ an audit trail for changes to an agent performance evaluation
▪️ Direct Connect Announces new location and expansion in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
▪️ DocumentDB
     ▫️ Global Clusters introduces Switchover
     ▫️ Global Clusters introduces Failover
▪️ EMR prioritized and capacity-optimized-prioritized allocation strategies for EC2 instances
▪️ EventBridge Scheduler provides higher default service quotas
▪️ IAM Supports PrivateLink in all commercial Regions
▪️ Lambda
     ▫️ Supports function-level configuration for recursive loop detection
     ▫️ Supports encryption of filter criteria for event source mappings
▪️ Lightsail Introduces browser-based SSH/RDP support for IPv6-only instances bundles
▪️ Q Provides more details about user subscriptions and associated resources
▪️ Route 53 Resolver Endpoints available in the Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Region
▪️ S3
     ▫️ No longer charges for several HTTP error codes
     ▫️ Supports conditional writes
     ▫️ Adds additional context to HTTP 403 Access Denied error messages
▪️ SageMaker
     ▫️ Pipelines provides a drag-and-drop UI to easily create ML workflows
     ▫️ Canvas supports data flows import, and faster data prep for ML