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Issue #141

Issue #141

Welcome to this week's AWS update! This week, highlights include improved security options with Amazon Cognito’s new email MFA support, enhanced data replication for MSK clusters, and more control over event-driven encryption with EventBridge Pipes, these updates are here to optimize and streamline your cloud experience.

▪️ Application Migration Service Trend Micro post-launch action
▪️ Aurora R7g +15 regions
▪️ Backup Audit Manager new control to audit resources inside logically air-gapped vault
▪️ Bedrock Knowledge Bases cross-region inference
▪️ Cognito User pools now offer email as a MFA option
▪️ Connect
   ▫️ Launches AWS CloudFormation support for agent status
   ▫️ Expands AWS CloudFormation support for agent hierarchies
▪️ Container Insights SageMaker HyperPod node health observability on EKS
▪️ EC2
   ▫️ P5e instances via EC2 Capacity Blocks | GA
   ▫️ R6in and R6idn instances are now available in an additional region
▪️ Elastic Beanstalk IPv6 inbound traffic to service endpoints
▪️ Elemental MediaConnect input thumbnail images
▪️ Elemental MediaLive MediaLive Anywhere for live video encoding on your own hardware
▪️ Elemental Media Services live AV1 encoding
▪️ EMR on EC2 intelligent subnet selection
▪️ EventBridge Pipes customer managed KMS keys
▪️ Glue Data Catalog storage optimization of Apache Iceberg tables
▪️ IAM Identity Center language and visual mode preferences in the AWS access portal
▪️ IoT SiteWise
   ▫️ Secondary sensor support through CloudRail
   ▫️ Adds support for 100+ protocols through Litmus Edge
▪️ MSK cross-cluster replication with support for identical topic names
▪️ Network Firewall supports AWS PrivateLink
▪️ OpenSearch Service OpenSearch version 2.15
▪️ QuickSight Direct Query for Google BigQuery connector
▪️ RDS
   ▫️ MySQL zero-ETL integration with Redshift | GA
   ▫️ SQL Server minor versions 2019 CU28, 2022 CU14
▪️ Redshift
   ▫️ altering sort keys on tables in zero-ETL integration
   ▫️ Serverless now supports a higher base capacity of 1024 Redshift Processing Units
▪️ SageMaker
   ▫️ sticky session routing for inference
   ▫️ EKS support in SageMaker HyperPod for scaling foundation model development
▪️ WAF Bot Control Managed Rule expands bot detection capabilities