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Issue #144

Issue #144

Welcome to Issue #144 of the AWS Weekly newsletter! This week brings a host of exciting updates and new features across the AWS ecosystem. Amazon EventBridge introduces a new event delivery latency metric, Amazon Inspector enhances security for Lambda, and IoT Core simplifies device connectivity with custom authorizers. Amazon Connect continues to expand with outbound SMS, multi-day scheduling improvements, and advanced workload forecasting. Plus, QuickSight Q now personalizes data stories, and Route 53 strengthens DNS security with DoH support. Dive in for the full breakdown of the latest AWS updates!

▪️ AppStream 2.0
     ▫️  increases application settings storage limit
     ▫️  enables automatic time zone redirection
     ▫️  adds printer redirection and regional settings
▪️ Aurora Serverless v2 supports up to 256 ACUs
▪️ Bedrock Knowledge Bases stops ingestion jobs
▪️ B2B Data Interchange adds outbound X12 EDI support
▪️ Chatbot supports centralized account access with Slack & Teams
▪️ CloudShell extends recent capabilities to all commercial regions
▪️ CodePipeline introduces general-purpose compute action
▪️ Compute Optimizer supports 80 new EC2 instance types
▪️ Connect
     ▫️  adds outbound SMS contacts
     ▫️  multi-day copy and paste of agent schedules
     ▫️  forecasts workloads with one contact
▪️ Connect Contact Lens adds read-only permissions
▪️ Data Firehose delivers streams to Apache Iceberg in S3
▪️ DCV (formerly NICE DCV) supports Ubuntu 24.04
▪️ EC2 supports post-launch CPU optimization
▪️ ElastiCache reserved nodes flexibility
▪️ EventBridge new event delivery latency metric
▪️ HealthOmics adds sample-based partitioning for variant stores
▪️ Inspector enhances Lambda standard scanning
▪️ IoT Core removes TLS ALPN requirement, adds custom authorizers
▪️ MSK supports AWS PrivateLink for APIs
▪️ Network Load Balancer launches CloudWatch Internet Monitor
▪️ Partner Central
     ▫️  adds VMware SPI for Managed Services
     ▫️  supports Marketplace private offer association
▪️ Prometheus supports IPv6
▪️ Q in QuickSight generates personalized data stories
▪️ Q Business now HIPAA eligible
▪️ Redshift
     ▫️  announces mTLS support for MSK
     ▫️  launches RA3.large instances
▪️ Route 53 Resolver supports DoH with SNI validation
▪️ S3 adds Service Quotas support for general purpose buckets
▪️ Security Hub launches 7 new security controls
▪️ SES adds HTTPS tracking for custom domains
▪️ Snowball Edge Storage Optimized 210TB available in 3 new regions
▪️ Timestream InfluxDB advanced configuration
▪️ Virtual Private Cloud supports BYOIP and BYOASN in Local Zones
▪️ WorkSpaces supports file transfer between sessions and local devices