Issue #147

This week, AWS rolled out notable enhancements across popular services. Highlights include Aurora’s new Global Database writer endpoint and support for tagging global clusters, making multi-region setups more versatile. Lambda's console now features a Code-OSS-based editor and support for custom serializers in Java runtime. Additionally, EKS now supports IPv6 for broader network compatibility, and Firewall Manager can retrofit existing WAF WebACLs, simplifying application security.
▪️ Application Recovery Controller
▫️ Zonal shift and autoshift for two new multi-AZ resources
▫️ EKS now supports Application Recovery Controller
▪️ Aurora
▫️ Global Database writer endpoint
▫️ Global Database tagging support for global clusters
▪️ Bedrock
▫️ Custom Model Import | GA
▫️ Claude 3.5 Sonnet model and computer use available
▪️ Billing Conductor
▫️ RI and Savings Plans coverage and utilization reports
▫️ Pro forma budgets integration
▪️ CloudWatch higher quotas to Logs Anomaly Detection and Pattern Analysis
▪️ Connect
▫️ iOS and Android Chat SDKs for in-app chat experiences
▫️ screen sharing
▪️ Console Mobile App Seamless link experience
▪️ DMS Homogenous migrations via CLI, SDK, and API
▪️ ECS Enhanced monitoring via Application Signals
▪️ EC2 Image Builder Apple macOS
▪️ EFA Updates for scalability with AI/ML applications
▪️ EKS Endpoints support IPv6 connectivity
▪️ Firewall Manager Retrofitting existing WAF WebACLs
▪️ IAM Identity Center Simplifies service calls with single identity context
▪️ Lambda
▫️ New Code-OSS-based code editor in console
▫️ Custom serializer for Java runtimes
▪️ Launch Wizard Integration with Systems Manager for SAP
▪️ Mainframe Modernization managed runtimes
▪️ MWAA Simplifies interaction with Airflow REST API
▪️ Q Business New analytics and conversation insights
▪️ RDS
▫️ Custom for SQL Server supports Windows Authentication
▫️ RDS for Oracle supports APEX Version 24.1
▪️ Redshift Query profiler for monitoring and diagnostics
▪️ Research and Engineering Studio Version 2024.10
▪️ SES TLS version for outgoing messages with AutoTags
▪️ Timestream Query Insights for LiveAnalytics
▪️ WAF Bot and Fraud Control RuleGroup in 6 additional Regions