Issue #161

▪️ Amazon Lex Assisted Slot Resolution regions and model access
▪️ Amplify TypeScript Data client in server-side AWS Lambda functions
▪️ AppStream 2.0 admin consent for linking OneDrive for Business
▪️ Availability Zones supports Zone Groups
▪️ CloudWatch Database Insights historical OS process snapshots
▪️ CloudWatch Synthetics IPv6 support
▪️ CodeBuild project ARN and build ARN IAM condition keys
▪️ Connect agent time off scheduling up to 24 months in the future
▪️ Connect Cases more granular search and customizable case list views
▪️ DataSync Kerberos authentication
▪️ Deadline Cloud
▫️configurable limits to effectively manage fixed resources
▫️Maxon Cinema 4D and Maxon Redshift
▪️ EBS new resource-level permissions for creating EBS volumes from snapshots
▪️ EKS managed node groups introduces new update strategies
▪️ Elastic Beanstalk
▫️.NET 9 on Amazon Linux 2023
▫️PHP 8.4 on Amazon Linux 2023
▫️Python 3.13 on Amazon Linux 2023
▪️ Elemental MediaConnect content quality metrics
▪️ Elemental MediaTailor bring your own ads (BYOA) via VAST responses
▪️ EMR Serverless Public Subnets
▪️ EventBridge event source discovery in the console
▪️ Glue connectivity to 14 native connectors for applications
▪️ Health IPv6 support
▪️ Lex Global Resiliency CloudFormation and existing alias replication
▪️ Managed Notifications
▫️general availability
▫️support in Console Mobile App
▪️ Managed Service for Prometheus cross-account ingestion
▪️ Marketplace
▫️self-service listing for AMI products with CloudFormation templates
▫️self-service seller onboarding for demo and private offer requests
▪️ Q Developer
▫️agent now runs builds and tests to validate generated code in real time
▫️Pro tier adds automated user onboarding emails
▪️ Q in QuickSight Dashboard Q&A
▪️ RDS Custom for SQL Server up to 64TiB and 256K IOPS with io2 volumes
▪️ Redshift
▫️enhanced default security configurations for new warehouses
▫️enhanced query monitoring
▪️ S3 Metadata is GA
▪️ S3 Tables 10,000 tables per table bucket
▪️ S3 Tables schema definition support to the CreateTable API
▪️ SES Mail Manager address and domain lists
▪️ Timestream for InfluxDb Storage Scaling