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Issue #35

▪️ AppFlow Jira Cloud datasource
▪️ Application Discovery Service agentless collector
▪️ Connect
     ▫️ cfn support for instance creation
     ▫️ search API for routing profiles, queue names
▪️ Control Tower guardrail management through APIs
▪️ EBS crash-consistent snapshots of a subset of volumes
▪️ ElastiCache for Memcached HIPAA compliance
▪️ Fargate MS Windows Server 2022 images
▪️ Forecast custom forecast frequencies
▪️ FSx for NetApp ONTAP VMware Cloud integration
▪️ GameKit Unity Support
▪️ IAM Identity Center APIs to manage users and groups
▪️ Inspector continual software vulnerability scanning of EC2 Windows
▪️ Open-Source
     ▫️ credentials-fetcher | AD access from Linux containers
     ▫️ karpenter |  Workload Consolidation
▪️ Outposts Enterprise On-Ramp Support
▪️ Personalize more relevant recommendations
▪️ Prometheus Alert Manager | CloudWatch Logs support
▪️ QuickSight
     ▫️ new dataset management UI
     ▫️ new sign-in UX | GA
▪️ QuickSight Q identify unanswered questions
▪️ Route 53 Resolver Endpoints & Hosted zones | 99.99% SLA
▪️ SageMaker
     ▫️ Autopilot custom data split options
     ▫️ Data Wrangler sample dataset and guided feature discovery
▪️ SAM cli esbuild support | GA
▪️ Security Hub announcements notification topic
▪️ Step Functions  14 new intrinsic functions
▪️ Systems Manager store conformance pack templates
▪️ Trusted Advisor Windows Server EOS check

August 29 - September 04, 2022