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Issue #101

▪️  Amazon Q in preview on Console Mobile App for iOS
▪️  CloudWatch
      ▫️  Cross-Account Metrics Insights
      ▫️  Metric Streams OpenTelemetry 1.0.0
▪️  CodeDeploy now provides zonal deployment for EC2
▪️  Connect
      ▫️  +24 contact and agent metrics to access programmatically
      ▫️  new capabilities for measuring answered or abandoned contacts
      ▫️  Customer Profiles calculated attributes that turn customer data into actionable insights
▪️  Direct Connect new location in Vancouver, Canada
▪️  DMS RDS Db2 as a target endpoint
▪️  EC2
      ▫️  Instance Connect  RHEL, CentOS, and MacOS
      ▫️  M7i-flex and M7i instances + 8 Regions
▪️  Elemental MediaLive
      ▫️  color space conversion with custom tone mapping
      ▫️  image overlays for individual outputs
▪️  FinSpace Managed kdb Insights
      ▫️  a wider set of customer kdb applications
      ▫️  now works with TorQ framework
▪️  IoT  new no-code dashboard application
▪️  Lambda
      ▫️  now scale up to 12X faster
      ▫️  simplifies connectivity to RDS and RDS Proxy
▪️  Mainframe Modernization new controls for managed runtimes
▪️  Migration Hub Orchestrator replatforming applications to ECS
▪️  OpenSearch Service Migration Assistant
▪️  QuickSight enhances SPICE ingestion performance by up to 4x with parallel ingestion
▪️  Redshift
      ▫️   Advisor sort and distribution key recommendations
      ▫️  extends SUPER data type column size support to 16 MB
▪️  Rekognition
      ▫️  Face APIs version 7 for improved accuracy and lower latency
      ▫️  improves Face Liveness accuracy and user experience
▪️  Resilience Hub customer compliance with ISO and SOC
▪️  SageMaker Canvas comprehensive data preparation capabilities
▪️  Secrets Manager 99.99% Service Level Agreement
▪️  SNS configuring delivery status logging with AWS CloudFormation
▪️  Textract updates to AnalyzeDocument - Forms