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Issue #109

▪️   AppFabric ISO, PCI, and SOC compliant
▪️   Aurora PostgreSQL version 16
▪️   CloudTrail AppConfig data events
▪️   Cognito signing, encryption, and Identity Provider-initiated SSO for SAML federation
▪️   Connect Cases audit history
▪️   Control Tower DoD Impact Level 4 and 5 authorization
▪️   DataZone CloudFormation and HIPAA eligibility
▪️   EC2
       ▫️  750 hours of free Public IPv4
       ▫️  Capacity Blocks for ML expands to P4d instances
       ▫️  new price protection for attribute based instance selection
▪️   EventBridge Event Bus event matching with Open Source Event Ruler v1.50
▪️   Finch is now available on Windows
▪️   FSx for OpenZFS up to 400,000 IOPS
▪️   Glue Amazon Q | Preview
▪️   IVS playback restriction policies
▪️   Managed Blockchain Query access to non-finalized blockchain data
▪️   Marketplace self-service flows for sellers to list third-party EKS add-ons
▪️   Monitron enable static IP for gateways network configuration
▪️   RDS for Db2 EBCDIC collation sequence
▪️   Rekognition new moderation labels and accuracy of content moderation for images
▪️   Research and Engineering Studio version 2024.01