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Issue #112

▪️  Amplify Hosting custom SSL certificates/TLS
▪️  CloudFront Embedded Points of Presence
▪️  Connect time zone support for agent shift profiles
▪️  DocumentDB
      ▫️  Elastic Clusters automatic backups and snapshot copying
      ▫️  Elastic Clusters readable secondaries, and start and stop clusters
      ▫️  Partial Indexes
      ▫️  vector search with HNSW index
▪️  EC2 regional expansion of G5 instances and SageMaker notebooks
▪️  Elastic Beanstalk Windows 2022
▪️  HealthOmics additional information for workflow runs
▪️  Incident Detection and Response five minute response time for critical incidents
▪️  Location Service Maps SDK Metal-based rendering for iOS applications
▪️  MWAA Airflow version 2.8
▪️  Neptune
      ▫️  data APIs in the AWS SDK
      ▫️  I/O-Optimized
      ▫️  OpenSearch 2.3, 2.5, and Serverless
▪️  RDS for PostgreSQL minor versions 16.2, 15.6, 14.11, 13.14, and 12.18
▪️  Resilience Hub PCI compliant
▪️  Resource Explorer +65 resource types
▪️  Supply Chain Demand Planning Demand Driver-Based Forecasting
▪️  Systems Manager Parameter Store cross-account sharing