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Issue 115

▪️   Application Load Balancer enables configuring HTTP client keepalive duration
▪️   Backup restore testing for EBS Snapshots Archive
▪️   Batch alerts to detect and react to jobs stuck in RUNNABLE state
▪️   Bedrock Anthropic's Claude 3 Haiku Model
▪️   CloudFormation
       ▫️   new validation checks for stack operations
       ▫️   up to 40% faster stack creation
▪️   CloudWatch Automatic Workspaces dashboard
▪️   CloudWatch Container Insights NVIDIA GPUs on EKS
▪️   CloudWatch Synthetics
       ▫️  30-day historical data on canary runs
       ▫️  NodeJS 7.0 and Python 3.0
▪️   DynamoDB local upgrades to Jetty 12 and JDK 17
▪️   EC2 tagging when registering or copying AMIs
▪️   EFS up to 20 GiB/s of throughput
▪️   Fault Injection Service target preview for experiments
▪️   Marketplace Resale Authorization Service-linked role
▪️   MSK Replicator replicating existing data on Kafka topics
▪️   ParallelCluster RHEL 9, Rocky Linux 9 and dynamic cluster capacity updates
▪️   RDS for SQL Server minor version 2019 CU25 and 2022 CU11
▪️   S3 Connector for PyTorch writing checkpoints with PyTorch Lightning
▪️   S3 Mountpount CSI driver now supports Bottlerocket
▪️   S3 on Outposts reduces first-byte latencies for object API requests
▪️   SageMaker Canvas Fine-tuned FMs
▪️   SES guided onboarding
▪️   Timestream InfluxDB | GA
▪️   Verified Permissions increases default quotas for authorization APIs