Issue #131
▪️ Amazon Q Developer in the Visual Studio IDE | GA
▪️ AMS Accelerate Trusted Remediator
▪️ Application Migration Service Dynatrace post-launch action
▪️ Connect preferentially route contacts to specific agents within a queue
▪️ DataZone fine-grained access control
▪️ Direct Connect native 400 Gbps Dedicated Connections at select locations
▪️ EKS EC2 capacity blocks for ML
▪️ Elastic Fabric Adapter supports cross-subnet communication
▪️ Lambda new controls to make it easier to search, filter, and aggregate Lambda function logs
▪️ Launch Wizard programmatic deployments through APIs and Cloudformation templates
▪️ MQ RabbitMQ version 3.13
▪️ OpenSearch Ingestion ingesting data from self-managed sources
▪️ Partner Central Streamlined Migration Acceleration Program (MAP) funding and approval process
▪️ RDS
▫️ Db2 Private Offers on licensing through AWS Marketplace
▫️ PostgreSQL PL/Rust crates serde, serde_json, regex, and url
▪️ S3 Access Grants
▫️ integrate with open source Python frameworks
▫️ SageMaker Studio