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Issue #16

Wrap-up April 18 - April 24

▪️ Aurora Serverless v2 is GA
▪️ ACK Controllers  EKS | ECR | DDB | S3 | App Autoscaling | API GW v2 are GA
▪️ Amplify
   ▫️ Amplify Geo Android components are GA | blog | docs
   ▫️ Amplify Studio Figma-to-React is GA
▪️ Athena +10 new data source connectors
▪️ Batch
   ▫️ PrivateLink support
   ▫️ UpdateComputeEnvironment API Improvments
▪️ Chime SDK FedRAMP High authorization
▪️ CloudFormation Registry  +35 new resource types
▪️ Connect
   ▫️ real-time insights in AWS GovCloud
   ▫️ programmatic Phone number management
▪️ Corretto quarterly updates for LTS 18.0.1, 17.0.3, 11.0.15
▪️ DevOps Guru Proactive Insights for serverless
▪️ EC2 Auto Scaling default instance warm-up time
▪️ ECS  Amazon Linux 2022 AMI in preview
▪️ EKS AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) Operator is GA
▪️ Elemental live sources in Channel Assembly
▪️ Glue
   ▫️ Autoscaling is GA
   ▫️ Job Notebooks are GA
   ▫️ Interactive Sessions are GA
   ▫️ Sensitive data detection and processing
▪️ Kendra
   ▫️ Box Connector
   ▫️ Quip Connector
▪️ Keyspaces simplified integration with Spark Cassandra Connector
▪️ Launch Wizard MS Exchange | IIS guided deployment
▪️ Macie +3 managed data identifiers
▪️ Marketplace flexible contract and subscription management
▪️ Migration Hub Orchestrator new migration orchestration feature
▪️ MQ  new ActiveMQ version 5.16.4
▪️ Neptune
   ▫️ free trial
   ▫️ IAM global condition keys support
   ▫️ openCypher is GA
▪️ Outposts RDS Multi-AZ support for HA
▪️ Personalize improved recommendations
▪️ QuickSight 1-click public embedding
▪️ SageMaker Serverless Inference is GA
▪️ Textract new Queries feature | blog | docs
▪️ IoT TwinMaker is GA