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Issue #30

Week 30: July 25


🔎 AWS Global Accelerator IPv6 support with dual-stack accelerators
🔎 AWS GuardDuty Malware protection for ECS/EKS containers, EC2 Instances
🔎 AWS Neptune Global Database cross-region, low-latency, managed Graph DB
🔎 AWS Single Sign-On is now IAM Identity Center
🔎 AWS Wickr (Preview) end-to-end encrypted enterprise communication service

Full Changelog

▪️ AppSync API Command to test GraphQL resolvers
▪️ AWS Accounts primary contact information API
▪️ AWS Console Mobile recently visited services
▪️ Backup copy Amazon S3 backups across AWS Regions and accounts
▪️ Billing Conductor new OU Import
▪️ Config conformance packs scores
▪️ Connect Contact Lens integration with Contact Control Panel and Salesforce CTI Adapter
▪️ Control Tower
    ▫️ CloudTrail Organization logging
    ▫️ Chatbot, S3 Storage Lens, S3 MR APs guardrails
▪️ Control Tower record global resources in home Regions
▪️ Detective EKS Workloads security investigations
▪️ DocumentDB fast db cloning
▪️ ECR Public tag listing API for public repos
▪️ Fault Injection Simulator ChaosMesh and Litmus experiments
▪️ Global Accelerator announces IPv6 support
▪️ GuardDuty Malware protection
▪️ Lookout for Vision anomaly localization and CPU inference on the edge
▪️ Macie S3 object securely review and validate sensitive data
▪️ Marketplace Vendor Insights vendor risk assessment (Preview)
▪️ MSSP Competency specialization categories | AWS Level 1
▪️ Neptune
    ▫️ fine grained access control with IAM
    ▫️ Global Database cross-region, low-latency, managed Graph DB
▪️ Network Firewall Managed Threat Signatures: coin mining, phishing, and mobileOS
▪️ Nimble Studio EC2 G3 and G5 instances for virtual workstations
▪️ OpenSearch
    ▫️ EBS gp3 volume type support
    ▫️ OpenSearch version 1.3
▪️ ParallelCluster v3.2 file system enhancements:
    ▫️ Multiple file systems mounts
    ▫️ Memory-aware job scheduling with Slurm
    ▫️ Dynamically update clusters
▪️ Polly Neural TTS support for Hindi and Indian English
▪️ RDS
    ▫️ MariaDB R5b instances
    ▫️ Proxy MariaDB 10.3, 10.4 or 10.5
▪️ S3
    ▫️ +Access Point for Redshift, CloudFront, SageMaker Feature Store
    ▫️ up to 10k S3 Access Points per region per account
▪️ SageMaker Canvas encryption with customer managed keys
▪️ Security Competency re-Launched with Consolidated Categories
▪️ Security Hub
    ▫️ Fortinet and JFrog new integrations
    ▫️ GuardDuty Malware Protection findings
▪️ Single Sign-On is now IAM Identity Center
▪️ Step Functions AWS SDK +3 AWS Services & 195 APIs
▪️ Systems Manager Application Manager simplified onboarding experience
▪️ Transfer Family Applicability Statement 2 (AS2)
▪️ WAF SQL injection rule statements | sensitivity levels
▪️ Wickr (Preview) end-to-end encrypted enterprise communication service
▪️ WorkSpaces create Image API