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Issue #32


🔎 EBS crash-consistent snapshots for subset of volumes
🔎 EKS Kubernetes version 1.23
🔎 EventBridge GitHub, Stripe and Twilio events
🔎 Console Mobile Application Cost Explorer
🔎 Private 5G is now generally available | Blog | US Only

▪️ AppFlow
▫️ SAP Operational Data Provisioning
▫️ Zendesk Chat and Zendesk Sell sources
▪️ Application Insights Health Dashboard & AppRegistry support
▪️ AWS Partners
▫️ Supply Chain Competency Partner Program
▫️ Transfer Family Delivery Program
▪️ CloudWatch Synthetics custom canary groups
▪️ Cognito AWS WAF native support
▪️ Console Mobile Application Cost Explorer
▪️ Direct Connect 50-500Mpbs variable connection speeds for Transit Gateway
▪️ DocumentDB
▫️ Decimal128 data type
▫️ DML query auditing with CloudWatch Logs
▪️ EBS crash-consistent snapshots for subsets
▪️ EKS Kubernetes version 1.23
▪️ EventBridge GitHub, Stripe and Twilio events
▪️ Glue Flex execution
▪️ IoT Greengrass System Telemetry Enhancements | Local Deployment | Client Certificates
▪️ Location Service circular geofences
▪️ Private 5G is now generally available | Blog | US Only
▪️ QuickSight Redesigned Dashboard
▪️ RDS
▫️ Aurora Serverless v1 in-place upgrade to PG 11
▫️ Custom for Oracle promotion of managed in-region read replica
▪️ S3 restrict server-side encryption with customer-provided keys
▪️ SageMaker
▫️ Automatic Model Tuning alternate traning instance types
▫️ Canvas  Replace missing values & Outliers, dataset sample sizes
▫️ Pipelines Cross-Account Pipeline sharing

August 14th, 2022