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Issue #50

▪️ Amplify Library for Android v2.0 | Javascript v5.0
▪️ AppFlow
     ▫️ 4 new connectors
     ▫️ Microsoft SharePoint Online as a source
▪️ Athena new connector for AWS MSK and Kafka
▪️ Backup
     ▫️ schedule-based network throttling for VMware
     ▫️ VMware vSphere tags
▪️ Chime SDK launches pre-built CodeSandbox developer experience
▪️ Cloud WAN simplify security inspection with Appliance Mode support
▪️ CloudWatch Metrics Insights alarms
▪️ Connect
     ▫️ bulk user import now includes agent hierarchy and tags
     ▫️ resource tags access controls for routing profiles, users
▪️ Control Tower concurrent account provisioning operations
▪️ Copilot ECS Service Connect
▪️ Cost Anomaly Detection percentage-based thresholds
▪️ DataSync tags usage in task executions
▪️ DevOps Guru for RDS detects SQL load changes
▪️ EBS direct APIs now supports IPv6
▪️ EC2 Calculator dedicated instance pricing
▪️ ECS container port ranges for port mapping
▪️ EKS
     ▫️ add-ons now supports advanced configuration
     ▫️ automated provisioning and lifecycle management for Windows containers
▪️ EMR new Console
▪️ EMR on EKS Nvidia RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark
▪️ EMR Serverless jobs CloudWatch metrics
▪️ Fraud Detector Data Models Explorer
▪️ Gateway Load Balancer IPv6 traffic
▪️ IQ public profiles for companies
▪️ Kinesis Video Streams edge recording and scheduled cloud streaming | Preview
▪️ Location Service Open Data Maps | Preview
▪️ Marketplace
     ▫️ free trials for SaaS usage-based pricing products
     ▫️ notify sellers and customers when a private offer is created
▪️ Neptune “Concise Bounded Description” queries for SPARQL query language
▪️ Neptune ML Real-time inductive inference
▪️ Personalize new limits: more users and longer histories of interactions
▪️ Pricing Calculator bulk estimation of EC2 instances
▪️ QuickSight Q Topic migration APIs | Preview
▪️ RDS for Oracle copying option groups during in-region cross-account snapshot copy
▪️ RDS Proxy PostgreSQL major version 14
▪️ Route 53 threat intelligence sourced from Recorded Future
▪️ S3 Block Public Access and disable ACL for all new buckets in April 2023
▪️ SageMaker Canvas Bring ML Models built anywhere
▪️ SageMaker Data Wrangler now auto-generates feature-level visualizations
▪️ SageMaker Experiments new capabilities to manage ML experiments
▪️ SageMaker Feature Store offline store Python SDK
▪️ SageMaker Ground Truth synthetic data now supports dynamic 3D environments
▪️ Storage Gateway S3 File Gateway Terraform modules
▪️ Timestream AWS Backup support
▪️ Translate
     ▫️ batch translation language detection
     ▫️ S3 nested folders files
▪️ Trusted Advisor new fault tolerance checks

12 December – 18 December, 2022