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Issue #49

▪️ Billing Conductor Global Free Tier Pricing Rules
▪️ Braket adjoint gradient computation, runtime improvements, cost savings
▪️ CloudFormation Hooks wildcard config
▪️ CloudShell is now System and Organization Controls (SOC) compliant
▪️ Config drift detection in Config Recorder
▪️ Contact Lens manage rules with Connect APIs
▪️ Cost Anomaly Detection alerts include account name
▪️ Cost Management refresh Savings Plans
▪️ EC2 Auto Scaling Metric Math for Target Tracking Policies
▪️ ECS Service Connect Fargate on Graviton support
▪️ FSx for NetApp ONTAP
     ▫️ extends NVMe read cache support to Single-AZ file systems
     ▫️ new ease-of-use features
     ▫️ Nitro-based encryption of data in transit
     ▫️ receives DoD Impact Level 4 and 5 authorization
▪️ Glue sensitive data detection is available in 18 additional Regions
▪️ IAM Identity Center FedRAMP High authorization in GovCloud
▪️ IoT Device Defender Audit potential misconfiguration in IoT Policies
▪️ IoT TwinMaker asset synchronization with IoT SiteWise
▪️ Kinesis Data Firehose now delivers to Logz.io
▪️ Lex Arabic, Cantonese, Norwegian, Swedish, Polish, and Finnish
▪️ Location Service is now HITRUST CSF certified
▪️ Managed Grafana CloudFormation support
▪️ NoSQL Workbench DDB
     ▫️ creating data models directly from sample data model templates
     ▫️ DynamoDB Local
▪️ QuickSight billion-row dataset with SPICE
▪️ RDS Proxy Aurora Global Database primary and secondary regions
▪️ SageMaker Data Wrangler EMR Presto as a big data query engine
▪️ SageMaker Feature Store Apache Iceberg table format
▪️ SageMaker Model Training support for ml.p4de instances | Preview
▪️ SageMaker Studio Fine-grained DAC with Lake Formation/EMR
▪️ Security Hub Control Tower integration
▪️ Systems Manager change request CloudTrail events
▪️ Transcribe Custom Language Models for German/Japanese

5 December – 11 December, 2022