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Issue #51 🎄

▪️ Athena enhances read support for Delta Lake table format
▪️ Batch adds visibility for terminated and cancelled jobs
▪️ Compute Optimizer Fargate support
▪️ Connect
     ▫️ allows contact center managers to join ongoing calls
     ▫️ Edge Chromium support
     ▫️ enhanced controls for redacting PII Contact Lens
     ▫️ JSON content-type in chat messages
▪️ Console Home
     ▫️ new Security widget
     ▫️ Systems Manager widget
▪️ EC2 DescribeImages API now supports pagination
▪️ ECS CloudWatch alarms integration to improve safety for deployments
▪️ EKS Anywhere
     ▫️ cluster lifecycle automation with GitOps and IaC tools
     ▫️ on Nutanix
     ▫️ single-node clusters on bare metal
▪️ EKS PrivateLink
▪️ EMR Serverless account-level vCPU-based per-region quotas
▪️ FinSpace web and data access events now available in CloudTrail
▪️ Glue Crawlers Delta Lake Tables
▪️ IoT Core Rules Engine supports Protobuf
▪️ IoT Device Client new V1.8 via ECR with enhanced functionality
▪️ Kinesis Video Streams ingestion and storage support WebRTC | Preview
▪️ License Manager commercial Linux subscriptions discovery and governance
▪️ Lookout for Equipment label feedback API
▪️ Managed Prometheus VPC endpoint policies
▪️ Migration Hub Orchestrator importing virtual machine images
▪️ Migration Hub Refactor Spaces enables Lambda aliases as service endpoints
▪️ Neptune Workbench JupyterLab notebooks
▪️ Nimble Studio
     ▫️ configurable persistent storage and new EBS volumes
     ▫️ EBS Snapshots with Auto Backup
▪️ Open-Source
     ▫️ Fortuna a library for uncertainty quantification of ML models
     ▫️ Organizations centrally manage region opt-in settings on AWS accounts
     ▫️ Renate a python library for automatic model re-training
▪️ ParallelCluster Multi-AZ support and other important features
▪️ RDS Custom for SQL Server CloudFormation Templates
▪️ RDS
     ▫️ integration with Secrets Manager
     ▫️ renaming Multi-AZ deployments with two readable standbys
▪️ RDS on AWS Outposts read replicas for MySQL and PostgreSQL
▪️ RDS Optimized Writes R6g, and R6gd instances
▪️ Rekognition adds labels and improves accuracy of existing labels for video
▪️ Rekognition improves accuracy of content moderation for images
▪️ Renate a python library for automatic model re-training
▪️ Resource Scheduler Systems Manager Quick Setup
▪️ ROSA Management Console experience for satisfying ROSA prerequisites
▪️ SageMaker Automatic Model Tuning better reproducibility
▪️ Security Hub +9 new security best practice controls
▪️ Transcribe Speech to Text: Swedish and Vietnamese
▪️ Transfer Family built-in PGP decryption for file uploads

19 December – 25 December, 2022