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Issue #78

▪️  Amazon Linux 2023.1 secure boot
▪️  Amplify Hosting monorepo frameworks support
▪️  Amplify Library for Swift watchOS and tvOS support | GA
▪️  AppFabric new no code service to connect SaaS applications
▪️  App Runner update and rebuild a failed service
▪️  AppStream 2.0 applications manager
▪️  Athena
      ▫️  new ODBC driver
      ▫️  querying restored data in S3 Glacier
▪️  Aurora MySQL zero-ETL integration with Redshift | Preview
▪️  Batch ‘Min vCPUs’ for Multi-Node Parallel Jobs
▪️  CloudFormation launches Guard 3.0 with support for stateful rules
▪️  CloudWatch dashboard variables
▪️  Connect Chat
      ▫️  additional customization options for the chat widget
      ▫️  quick reply and carousel messages
      ▫️  search for tags within an instance
▪️  Database Migration Service more comprehensive pre-migration assessments
▪️  DevOps Guru encryption using customer managed keys
▪️  DynamoDB simplifies and lowers the cost of handling failed conditional writes
▪️  EC2 R6a with faster EBS-optimized performance
▪️  ECS faster tasks launch on instances with prolonged shutdown
▪️  Elemental MediaConnect higher frequency metrics
▪️  Elemental MediaTailor creative ad id signaling in video manifests
▪️  FSx for OpenZFS CSI Driver
▪️  GameLift Amazon Linux 2023
▪️  Global Accelerator new edge location
▪️  Glue native Snowflake connector with new ETL capabilities  | Preview
▪️  Incident Detection & Response 3rd Party Event Ingestion
▪️  IoT TwinMaker Knowledge Graph supports showing query results in scenes
▪️  Kendra Retrieval API
▪️  Kinesis Data Analytics Studio Flink version 1.15
▪️  Kinesis Video Streams Edge Agent | GA
▪️  Lambda
      ▫️  remote invoke with SAM CLI
      ▫️  simplifies copying environment variables in the console code editor
▪️  Marketplace transaction purchase order support for server products
▪️  Omics Common Workflow Language
▪️  OpenSearch
      ▫️  ingesting events from Security Lake
      ▫️  update cluster manager nodes without blue/green
▪️  Pinpoint time zone estimation for endpoints
▪️  Private 5G New commitment pricing | GA
▪️  RDS Optimized Writes for MySQL and MariaDB supports m5d, r5d, and m6gd database instances
▪️  Redshift native console integration with ThoughtSpot
▪️  Resilience Hub EC2 Support
▪️  S3
      ▫️  Mountpoint adds support for creating new files
      ▫️  query restore Glacier object status with S3 LIST API
▪️  SageMaker
      ▫️  Canvas Parquet file format support
      ▫️  Data Wrangler direct connection to Snowflake data
      ▫️  Feature Store time to live (TTL) in online store
      ▫️  improved developer productivity with RStudio
      ▫️  Neo PyTorch/TensorFlow models compilation for Inferentia 2/Trainium 1
      ▫️  Role Manager fine-grained permissions with CDK Lib within minutes
▪️  SDK for SAP ABAP | GA
▪️  Simple Email Service metric export
▪️  Timestream free trial
▪️  Translate custom terminology feature
▪️  VPC
      ▫️  Bring Your Own IP +3 regions
      ▫️  IP Address Manager +3 regions