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Issue #77

▪️ Amplify UI Builder Figma plugin
▪️ Application Discovery Service  EC2 recommendations
▪️ AppSync SAM AWS::Serverless::GraphQLApi abstraction
▪️ Billing Conductor service-scoped free tier pricing rules
▪️ CloudFormation accelerates dev-test cycle with new ChangeSets parameter
▪️ CloudWatch Internet Monitor +7 Regions
▪️ CloudWatch Logs  new Log Insights dedup command
▪️ Connect reduces toll free rates for Australia and New Zealand
▪️ Control Tower Security Hub integration
▪️ Corretto nightly builds
▪️ EC2
     ▫️ C7gn instances general availability
     ▫️ Hpc7g instances
     ▫️ T4g instances are now available in additional regions
▪️ EC2 Dedicated Hosts targeted allocations in Outposts rack
▪️ EFS  up to 10 GiB/s of Provisioned Throughput
▪️ Elemental MediaConvert bandwidth reduction filter for HEVC and AVC
▪️ EMR insufficient instance capacity errors events
▪️ EMR on EKS custom job scheduling
▪️ ENA Express +10 EC2 Instances
▪️ Glue Studio data previews for Glue Streaming jobs
▪️ Kinesis Data Firehose data stream delivery to Redshift Serverless
▪️ Lake Formation Glue Data Catalog cross-Region table access
▪️ Lambda starting from timestamp for Kafka event sources
▪️ Local Zones in Manila  | GA
▪️ Managed Grafana OpenSearch Trace Analytics
▪️ MemoryDB for Redis FedRAMP Moderate compliance
▪️ MQ  cross-region data replication for ActiveMQ brokers
▪️ Personalize filtering selected items by properties of the input item
▪️ Purchase Order Management Tagging support
▪️ Redshift encrypting the data warehouse
▪️ SageMaker Feature Store feature processing
▪️ SageMaker Inference Recommender model creation recommendation
▪️ Security Hub enhanced management capabilities with CloudFormation
▪️ Step Functions Versions and Aliases
▪️ System Manger OpsCenter simplified cross-account management of operational issues
▪️ Transfer Family
     ▫️ Drummond Group Applicability Statement 2 (AS2) Certification
     ▫️ structured JSON log format
▪️ Trusted Advisor new fault tolerance checks
▪️ Verified Access new logging functionality to improve troubleshooting
▪️ VPC CNI IPv6 Egress for Pods in IPv4 enabled Kubernetes Clusters