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Issue #92

▪️  ALB/NLB registering instances addressed by IPv6 as targets
▪️  Amplify GraphQL API capabilities as CDK construct
▪️  AppConfig feature flags new encryption options
▪️  App Runner custom domains improvements
▪️  Catalog API JSON object alongside String for “Details” attribute
▪️  CodeDeploy multiple load balancers for EC2 applications
▪️  Connect Contact Lens manager alerts on real-time metrics
▪️  Connect
      ▫️ enhances API for accessing historical agent and contact metrics
      ▫️ multiple out-of-the-box chat widgets per instance
      ▫️ new contact and agent metrics in the API
▪️  Control Tower +22 proactive controls, +12 Security Hub Detective controls
▪️  DataZone is now generally available
▪️  EC2
      ▫️ C7a compute optimized instances
      ▫️ R7a bare metal memory optimized instances
      ▫️ Hibernate more OS support
▪️  ECR Public new navigation and search features to the ECR Public Gallery
▪️  EKS Extended support for Kubernetes Versions | Preview
▪️  Elemental MediaConvert video source replacement
▪️  EMR on EKS Interactive Endpoints is now GA
▪️  EventBridge support for wildcard filters in rules
▪️  Firewall Manager referencing of Security Groups
▪️  Health Health events in your organization to EventBridge
▪️  HealthOmics sequence store with auto-calculated ETags for read sets
▪️  IoT Device Management Software Package Catalog | GA
▪️  IVS introduces in-console broadcasting for low-latency streaming
▪️  Kendra releases Drupal Connector to enable Drupal document search
▪️  Location Service bounding box search for device positions
▪️  OpenSearch Service
      ▫️ alerting and anomalies on dashboards
      ▫️ announced OpenSearch Service Integrations
      ▫️ OpenSearch version 2.9
      ▫️ expands geospatial aggregations support
▪️  QuickSight predictive analytics using Amazon SageMaker Canvas
▪️  RDS for PostgreSQL pgvector v0.5.0 with HNSW indexing
▪️  SageMaker Canvas ready-to-use models to include foundation models
▪️  SageMaker Feature Store low latency feature retrieval
▪️  SageMaker Model Registry private model repositories
▪️  SAM CLI Lambda test events
▪️  SQS binding extension support in CoreWCF
▪️  Supply Chain Demand Planning now supports Product Lineage
▪️  Verified Access customer managed KMS keys
▪️  Well-Architected Framework
      ▫️ New updates
      ▫️ Templates Reduce duplication
▪️  WorkSpaces
      ▫️ bundle selection guidance in AWS console
      ▫️ expand Microsoft productivity apps offerings