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Issue #91

▪️  Amplify JavaScript v6 developer preview
▪️  Application Composer supports all 1000+ CloudFormation resources
▪️  Application Migration Service automated agent installation
▪️  App Runner adds support for Monorepos
▪️  Backup FSx NetApp ONTAP, Windows File Server, Lustre in 7 more Regions
▪️  Batch DescribeJobDefinitions supports server-side filtering
▪️  Bedrock is now generally available
▪️  Braket real-time visibility into quantum task and hybrid job queues
▪️  Chime SDK
      ▫️  improved audio playback across high-loss networks
      ▫️  meetings API endpoints +6 regions
      ▫️  sending WebRTC audio to Kinesis Video Streams
▪️  Chime Waiting Room capability to further secure your meetings
▪️  CloudFront announces security recommendations
▪️  CloudWatch Application Insights analyze multi-account app health
▪️  Compute Optimizer +153 new EC2 instance types as well as multi-attached EBS volumes
▪️  Connect Contact Lens
      ▫️  permission for agents to view their own contacts
      ▫️  searching for in-progress contacts
      ▫️  supervisors to manage in-progress contacts
▪️  DocumentDB JSON schema validation
▪️  DynamoDB
      ▫️  global tables is now available in all AWS Regions
      ▫️  incremental export to S3
▪️  EC2 Hpc7g instances in additional regions
▪️  EC2 Serial Console additional AWS Regions
▪️  EKS & EKS Distro Kubernetes version 1.28
▪️  EMR Serverless introduces application-wide default job configurations
▪️  EventBridge Pipes +3 regions
▪️  GameLift Plugin for Unreal Engine
▪️  Global Accelerator endpoints +4 regions
▪️  Glue Studio custom icons
▪️  IoT Core
      ▫️  public LoRaWAN networks (GA)
      ▫️  Rules Engine retrieve source IP of an IoT client
      ▫️  support for headers in Rules Engine’s Kafka Action
▪️  Lake Formation Hybrid Access Mode for AWS Glue Data Catalog
▪️  Macie support for discovering more types of sensitive data
▪️  Migration Hub Orchestrator Microsoft SQL Server transaction logs
▪️  MQ RabbitMQ version 3.11.20
▪️  MSK
      ▫️  adds support for Kafka version 3.5.1
      ▫️  fully managed data delivery to S3 using Kinesis Data Firehose
▪️  NoSQL Workbench generate human-readable sample data
▪️  OpenSearch Service improved visibility into Auto-Tune actions
▪️  Partner Funding Portal now supports more funding initiatives
▪️  QuickSight
      ▫️  contextual row subtotals for pivot tables
      ▫️  freeze/unfreeze columns in Tables
      ▫️  Generative BI dashboard authoring capabilities | Preview
      ▫️  tagging users for cost allocation
▪️  RDS Custom for SQL Server changing the server-level collation
▪️  RDS Oracle SE2 License Included option for R6i, R5 and T3 in additional regions
▪️  Redshift RBAC support in workload management (WLM)
▪️  S3 Last-Modified time for delete markers using S3 Head and Get APIs
▪️  SageMaker Canvas now provides up to 50% faster forecasting
▪️  SageMaker Model Monitor one-time monitoring jobs for quick troubleshooting
▪️  SNS CloudTrail data event logging for the Publish and PublishBatch API actions
▪️  SQS Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) for scalable access permissions
▪️  Systems Manager Fleet Manager RDP now supports up to 1080p Resolution
▪️  Systems Manager OpsCenter identifies the most issue-prone resources
▪️  Telco Network Builder +5 regions
▪️  Textract Layout feature to extract paragraphs, titles, and more from documents
▪️  Titan Embeddings is now generally available
▪️  WAF JA3 Fingerprint Match