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Issue #76

▪️  AppFlow 4 new data connectors
▪️  Audit Manager 3rd party risk assessments and CSV exports
▪️  Clean Rooms Cloudformation and Analysis Builder
▪️  CloudShell +12 regions
▪️  CloudTrail Lake curated dashboards for visualizing top CloudTrail trends
▪️  CodeGuru Security is now available in preview
▪️  Connect
      ▫️ Contact Lens screen recording
      ▫️ new contact lifecycle events for callbacks
      ▫️ search APIs for three more resources
▪️  Control Tower  +10 Security Hub controls
▪️  Detective extends finding groups to Amazon Inspector
▪️  DynamoDB Database Encryption SDK  | Preview
▪️  EC2 Instance Connect SSH and RDP connectivity without public IP
▪️  EC2 M7a instances | Preview
▪️  ECR Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) v3 scanning
▪️  Elastic Disaster Recovery VPC configurations recovery
▪️  EMR on EKS container log rotation for Apache Spark
▪️  EMR price-capacity-optimized allocation strategy for EC2 Spot Instances
▪️  Global Accelerator endpoint in Jakarta region
▪️  Global Partner Security Initiative
▪️  GuardDuty enhances console experience with findings summary view
▪️  IAM Identity Center automated user provisioning from Google Workspace
▪️  Inspector
      ▫️ Code Scans for Lambda function | GA
      ▫️ Software Bill of Materials export
▪️  Location Service
      ▫️ geofence metadata
      ▫️ place categories
▪️  Marketplace built-in partner software automates installation
▪️  OpenSearch Service skip unavailable clusters during cross-cluster search
▪️  Partner Central Partner Analytics Dashboard
▪️  Payment Cryptography new service
▪️  Personalize VPC endpoints
▪️  RDS for Oracle migration via RMAN Transportable Tablespaces
▪️  Rekognition improves face search accuracy with user vectors
▪️  S3 dual-layer server-side encryption for compliance workloads
▪️  Security Hub
      ▫️ +6 security controls
      ▫️ automation rules
▪️  Step Functions integration with VPC Lattice and other services
▪️  Transfer Family quantum-safe key exchange for SFTP
▪️  Verified Permissions is now generally available
▪️  WAF Fraud Control account creation fraud prevention and reduced pricing
▪️  Well-Architected introduces Profiles