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re:Invent 2023 - Day 1

▪️  Amazon Aurora Limitless Database
▪️  Amazon One Enterprise identity service for enterprise access control | Preview
▪️  AppFabric build cross-app with gen-AI | Preview
▪️  Application Composer Step Functions Workflow Studio integration
▪️  AppSync  support Aurora clusters configured with the RDS Data API
▪️  B2B Data Interchange
▪️  Backup
      ▫️ EBS Snapshots Archive
      ▫️ restore testing
▪️  Braket Braket Direct
▪️   CodeCatalyst
      ▫️ custom blueprints
      ▫️ [Enterprise Tier]
▪️  Control Tower +65 new controls to help meet digital sovereignty requirements
▪️  EFS Replication now supports failback
▪️  ElastiCache Serverless
▪️  Elastic Disaster Recovery
      ▫️ DR drill validation automation
      ▫️ in the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions
▪️  Fault Injection Service Multi-Account Experiments
▪️  Glue Data Catalog multi engine views with AWS Analytics Engines
▪️  Healthscribe is now generally available
▪️  Inspector agentless vulnerability assessments for EC2
▪️  Mainframe Modernization
      ▫️ Application Testing | Preview
      ▫️ Data Replication Precisely is now available for IBM i
      ▫️ File Transfer with BMC | GA
      ▫️ Replatform NTT DATA
      ▫️ Virtualization for SPARC with Stromasys
▪️  MSK Graviton3-based M7g instances for new provisioned clusters
▪️   Partner-Led Support enhanced capabilities
▪️  RDS Db2 | GA
▪️  Redshift
      ▫️ incremental refresh for materialized views on data lake tables | Preview
      ▫️ Multidimensional Data Layouts to optimize your query performance | Preview
      ▫️ new fine-grained access control capabilities to nested objects  | Preview
      ▫️ Serverless with AI-driven scaling and optimizations | Preview
▪️  S3
      ▫️ automatically accelerate data transfer for ML training
      ▫️ Mountpoint for CSI driver | GA
▪️  SageMaker new LMI DLC with TensorRT-LLM support
▪️  SDK
      ▫️ Kotlin  | GA
      ▫️ Rust | GA
▪️  Security Hub major dashboard enhancements
▪️  Security Hub
      ▫️ new central configuration capabilities
      ▫️ new finding enrichment
▪️  SQS
      ▫️ FIFO dead-letter queue redrive
      ▫️ increased throughput quota for FIFO High Throughput mode
▪️  Support AWS Countdown with a premium tier