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Issue #120

▪️  Amazon Corretto 2024Q1 updates
▪️  Artifact Accessibility Conformance Reports
▪️  Athena federated query pass-through
▪️  Bedrock Claude 3 Opus model
▪️  CloudFormation ChangeSets change visibility for deployments
▪️  CloudWatch Internet Monitor internet weather map
▪️  CodeCatalyst PDK blueprints
▪️  Config +35 new resource types
▪️  Data Firehose Snowflake Snowpipe Streaming
▪️   EKS Cost Allocation Data
▪️  Elastic Disaster Recovery Outposts Racks support
▪️  EMR on EKS supports Apache Livy
▪️  HealthOmics reading sequence stores through S3 APIs
▪️  IAM Identity Center 90-days session duration for CodeWhisperer
▪️  IAM Roles Anywhere supports modifying the mapping of certificate attributes
▪️  Mainframe Modernization advanced config for runtime environments
▪️  MWAA adds larger environment sizes
▪️  Neptune connector for Nodestream, Parquet, and SBOM
▪️  Neuron introduces speculative decoding and vLLM support
▪️  Partner Central enhanced user management capabilities & self-service tasks
▪️  Partner CRM Connector future dated agreements
▪️  Personalize automatic solution training
▪️  PrivateLink supports QuickSight
▪️  QuickSight account instances of IAM Identity Center
▪️  RDS Custom for Oracle Oracle Database Standard Edition 2
▪️  RDS for Oracle Oracle Application Express (APEX) Version 23.2
▪️  RDS for PostgreSQL client authentication hook for TLE
▪️  RDS for SQL v2022 CU12
▪️  Resilience Hub HIPAA eligible
▪️  SageMaker enables Projects in SageMaker Studio
▪️  SageMaker JumpStart Meta Llama 3 foundation models
▪️  SageMaker Studio Notebooks interactive SQL query execution
▪️  SimSpace Weaver  SDK v1.17.0
▪️  Well-Architected Tool Connector for Jira
▪️  WorkSpaces simplify BYOL account management