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Issue #123

▪️   Amplify Gen 2 | GA
▪️   Bedrock
       ▫️  Provisioned Throughput pricing model
       ▫️  Studio | Preview
       ▫️  Titan Text Premier
▪️   Budgets resource and tag-based access controls
▪️   Cognito tiered pricing for machine-to-machine (M2M) usage
▪️   Connect
       ▫️  CloudTrail support for flow management pages
       ▫️  granular access controls (using resource tags) for flows and flow modules
       ▫️  UI and API support for enhanced search
       ▫️  Cases APIs for managing attachments
       ▫️  Cases managing attachments APIs
       ▫️  Contact Lens agent screen recording
       ▫️  Contact Lens generative AI-powered agent performance evaluations | Preview
▪️   Cost Anomaly Detection reduces anomaly detection latency by up to 30%
▪️   EC2 API retrieve the public endorsement key from NitroTPM
▪️   ECR pull through cache support for GitLab.com
▪️   ElastiCache minimum TLS version to 1.2
▪️   EMR Serverless detailed performance monitoring with Prometheus
▪️   IoT TwinMaker Knowledge Graph optimization
▪️   Lightsail a larger instance bundle
▪️   MemoryDB condition keys for user authentication and encryption in transit
▪️   MQ RabbitMQ version 3.12
▪️   Polly New Generative Engine with 3 synthetic English Polly voices
▪️   QuickSight launches SPICE capacity auto-purchase API
▪️   RDS for Oracle April 2024 Release Update
▪️   RDS for PostgreSQL minor versions 16.3, 15.7, 14.12, 13.15, and 12.19
▪️   RDS for SQL Server Minor Versions 2019 CU26 and 2022 CU12 GDR
▪️   RDS Performance Insights RDS for Oracle Multitenant
▪️   Resilience Hub resilience drift detection capabilities
▪️   SageMaker now integrates DataZone