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Issue #20

🏗️ AWS Control Tower finally supports customer provided core accounts and concurrent operations for preventive/detective guardrails
👷 AWS System Manager Incident runbook automation
🔗 AWS Resilience Hub  new Resilience Score, daily assessments + Terraform support

▪️App Mesh IPv6
▪️AWS Distribution of Kubeflow Kubeflow v1.4.1 is GA
▪️Backup FSx for OpenZFS and NetApp ONTAP
▪️Chime SDK Android/iOS background replacement/blur
▪️CloudWatch new UI console experience
▪️Control Tower
    ▫️ concurrent operations for preventive/detective guardrails
    ▫️ customer provided core accounts
▪️Distro for OpenTelemetry OTLP support is GA
▪️EC2 I4i metal instances
▪️EC2 Auto Scaling Predictive Scaling forecast backfills up to 2w
▪️Encryption SDK for .NET is GA
▪️Glue manage Glue Studio visual jobs via API and Kafka SASL auth
▪️Kendra Jira connector
▪️MQ RabbitMQ 3.9.16, 3.8.30
▪️Neptune is now FedRAMP compliant
▪️QuickSight 1-click public embedding
    ▫️ linear learner algorithm
    ▫️ Snapshot Isolation for concurrent transactions
▪️Resilience Hub support for Terraform, Amazon ECS
▪️System Manager Incident runbook automation

May 16th, 2022