1 min read

Issue #21

💾 AWS Backup Audit Manager audit and report on the compliance of your data protection policies for S3 and Storage Gateway
⚙️ AWS EC2  new C6id, C7g, P4de instances
AWS Systems Manager remote port forwarding
🎛 AWS Transit Gateway Network Manager Multi-Account Support

▪️ Amazon FSx for Lustre now supports root squash
▪️ AppSync new "Getting Started" for Pub/Sub deployments
▪️ AWS Launch Wizard SQL Server with FSx for NetApp ONTAP
▪️ AWS Marketplace acceptance email notifications
▪️ Backup Audit Manager S3 and Storage Gateway support
▪️ CloudFront + CloudFront-Viewer-TLS header for TLS version and cipher suite
▪️ Comprehend + 14 new PII entity types across the U.S., U.K., Canada, and India
▪️ Config now supports CloudWatch metrics
▪️ DataSync now supports Google Cloud Storage and Azure Files storage
▪️ EC2
    ▫️ new C6id instances now available in US/EU
    ▫️ new C7g instances with Graviton3 now available in US
    ▫️ new P4de GPU instances for ML training and HPC is in preview
    ▫️ unintentional stop actions protection
▪️ ElastiCache
    ▫️ JSON support for Redis
    ▫️ Memcached 1.6.12
    ▫️ Memcached encryption of data in transit
▪️ ECS  Capacity Provider integration with ASG
▪️ Genomics cli supports CWL with Toil
▪️ IoT Device Management increases Active Jobs Limit to 100k per AWS account per region
▪️ Kinesis Data Analytics is now FedRAMP compliant
▪️ Lightsail deploy with ECR private repositories
▪️ Managed Grafana create Grafana API tokens via API and version update 8.4
▪️ MemoryDB JSON support for Redis
▪️ Personalize offline model metrics for recommenders
▪️ Systems Manager remote port forwarding with AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost
▪️ Transit Gateway Network Manager Multi-Account Support
▪️ Wavelength Zone + Seoul region

Week 21: 23rd May