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Issue #22

Last week was quite fruitful – we get over 40 releases this time around!

AWS EMR Serverless is GA
🧭 AWS Route53 IP-Based Routing
🏗️ AWS Control Tower Single account enrollment

▪️ Amazon Lookout
    ▫️ Athena connector
    ▫️ Anomaly Detection
▪️ Amplify Signature V4 for Dart
▪️ Amplify Geo Geofence with Location Service
▪️ AppSync expanded GraphQL Utility Helper Library
▪️ AWS Well-Architected Tool re:Post community
▪️ Backup VMWare PrivateLink
▪️ Braket adds Borealis first publicly accessible quantum computer
▪️ Chime SDK centralized attendee controls
▪️ CloudWatch Elemental MediaTailor with Vended Logs
▪️ Cognito risk evaluation
▪️ Connect
    ▫️ high-volume outbound calls
    ▫️ transfer tasks API
    ▫️ custom templates
▪️ Control Tower Single account enrollment
▪️ Data Exchange Metered Billing for API
▪️ DataSync EFS security features
▪️ EBS for io2 FSR support
▪️ EC2 SLES OS up to 24%-52% On-Demand-RI price reduction
▪️ Elastic Disaster Recovery multiple staging/target accounts
▪️ EMR Serverless is GA
▪️ FSx for OpenZFS storage and IOPS modification
▪️ IAM WebAuthn and Safari for MFA
▪️ Kendra GitHub SaaS and OnPrem Connectors
▪️ Marketplace SaaS free trials
▪️ NoSQL Workbench DynamoDB + CreateTable, UpdateTable, DeleteTable
▪️ Outposts
    ▫️ AWS PrivateLink for S3
    ▫️ EC2 Dedicated Hosts
▪️ Panorama supports AWS PrivateLink
▪️ Pinpoint custom channel input/response with Journeys
▪️ Proton Service Components
▪️ RDS send events to encrypted SNS topics
▪️ Resource Access Manager ISO/SOC compliance
▪️ Route 53 IP-Based Routing
▪️ SageMaker JumpStart automatic tuning | incremental training
▪️ Step Functions interactive workshop
▪️ Storage Gateway Hardware Appliance through resellers
▪️ Timestream FedRAMP Moderate compliance
▪️ Transcribe language identification for multi-lingual audio