Issue #27
▪️ CloudFormation StackSets account level targeting in an Organizational Unit
▪️ EC2
▫️ Auto Scaling predictive scaling policy monitoring
▫️ M1 Mac instances for macOS are GA
▪️ GuardDuty more accurate potentially malicious access detectection
🔥 IAM IAM Roles Anywhere
for workloads outside of AWS
▪️ IoT Core direct management of CA reuse of CA for multiple environments
▪️ Keyspaces BillableTableSizeInBytes
metric console access
▪️ Location Service quota management
▪️ OpenSearch quota information through Service Quotas
▪️ QuickSight Create Account API
▪️ RDS performance insights history retention periods
▪️ SageMaker
▫️ Autopilot 2x faster experiments
▫️ Feature Store feature groups operational metrics
▫️ Feature Store feature metadata and search
▫️ Feature Store update existing feature groups
▫️ Heterogeneous Clusters
▪️ Security Hub +36 new security best practice controls
▪️ WorkMail fetch availability (free/busy) with Lambda
Week 27: July 4