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Issue #43

▪️ App Runner PHP, Go, .Net, and Ruby managed runtimes
▪️ Aurora
     ▫️ cluster export to S3
     ▫️ MySQL 2.11 with R6i instance support | GA
▪️ Batch
     ▫️ 4x compute and memory for Fargate jobs
     ▫️ EKS support
▪️ CDK For Kubernetes CDK8s+ and manifest validation support | GA
▪️ CloudWatch RUM
     ▫️ custom metadata attributes
     ▫️ Extended CloudWatch Metrics
▪️ Cognito
     ▫️ user pool deletion protection
     ▫️ real-time schedule adherence
▪️ Console Mobile Application CloudShell support
▪️ DataSync self-signed certificates
▪️ EC2
     ▫️  i4i.metal instance for VMware Cloud | GA
     ▫️ High Memory instances with 18/24TiB with On-Demand and Savings Plans
     ▫️ Replace Root Volume
▪️ Elemental MediaConnect flow alerts
▪️ EMR Hive Metastore check command optimization and Parquet Modular Encryption
▪️ Fault Injection Simulator network connectivity disruption
▪️ Global Accelerator AddEndpoints and RemoveEndpoints APIs
▪️ IAM Access Analyzer identify public and cross-account access
▪️ Local Zones first deployment in Europe (Hamburg and Warsaw) | GA
▪️ Location Service +2 HERE map styles
▪️ MSK
     ▫️ Apache Kafka version 3.3.1
     ▫️ Connect supports private DNS hostnames
     ▫️ new low-cost storage tier
▪️ Neptune Serverless is now generally available | GA
▪️ Organizations centrally manage POC on AWS accounts
▪️ Pinpoint console now supports pool management
▪️ Private Certificate Authority short-lived certificates
▪️ Programs
     ▫️ Control Tower delivery and ready program
     ▫️ EKS Delivery Program
     ▫️ OpenSearch Service delivery program
▪️ QuickSight
     ▫️ Customer Managed Keys (CMK) for SPICE data encryption
     ▫️ Row Level Security (RLS) on Dataset-as-a-source
▪️ RDS
▫️ events for operating system updates
▫️ memory optimized R5b instance types for Oracle
▪️ Redshift Query Editor SQL Notebooks | GA
▪️ S3 Replication SSE-C encrypted objects
▪️ SageMaker
     ▫️ 8 new Graviton-based instances for model deployment
     ▫️ Automatic Model Tuning Grid Search support
     ▫️ Canvas supports tags to track and allocate costs
     ▫️ Model Monitor Batch Transform jobs
     ▫️ Multi Model Endpoint
▪️ WAF Challenge rule action and Bot Control for Targeted Bots
▪️ WorkSpaces Web Access bi-directional audio/video

24 October – 30 October, 2022