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Issue #47

Last week before re:Invent 2022 🎰

▪️ Backup SAP HANA databases on EC2
▪️ CloudFront continuous deployment support
▪️ Connect configurable Lex timeouts
▪️ Control Tower Config rules compiance status
▪️ EBS Rule Lock for Recycle Bin
▪️ EC2 SQL Server 2022 AMIs
▪️ EMR
     ▫️ long running fault-tolerant SQL queries and checkpointing on S3 or HDFS
     ▫️ Manage Table metadata in Glue Data Catalog when running Flink workloads
▪️ EMR on EKS Jupyter Notebooks Spark properties configuration
▪️ EMR Serverless
     ▫️ cross-account S3 access
     ▫️ DynamoDB reading and writing data
     ▫️ Graviton2 support
▪️ EventBridge new capabilities that make it simpler to build rules
▪️ Glue Crawlers Snowflake support
▪️ IAM Identity Center session management capabilities for CLI/SDK
▪️ IoT RoboRunner is now generally available
▪️ Kinesis Data Analytics Flink version 1.15
▪️ Managed Grafana
     ▫️ visualizing Prometheus Alertmanager rules and new configuration APIs
     ▫️ VPC hosted data sources
▪️ QuickSight
     ▫️ cluster points for Geospatial Visual
     ▫️ connectivity to Databricks
     ▫️ dashboards now available for seller reporting and insights in Marketplace
     ▫️ launches admin asset management console
     ▫️ NULL in parameter
▪️ RDS Custom for Oracle Oracle Home customization
▪️ Rekognition new pre-trained labels, and introduces color detection
▪️ S3 Select improves query performance by up to 9x when using Trino
▪️ SageMaker Autopilot additional metrics for Ensemble training mode
▪️ Secrets Manager every 4 hours secrets rotation
▪️ Service Catalog syncing products with IaC template files from GitHub(Enterprise)/Bitbucket
▪️ SNS payload-based message filtering
▪️ Textract any document signatures detection
▪️ X-Ray SQS + Lambda traces

21 November – 27 November 2022