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Issue #48 | re:Invent 2022

Issue #48 | re:Invent 2022

▪️ AI Service Cards a new resource for responsible AI
▪️ Amazon Braket Algorithm Library access pre-built quantum algorithms
▪️ Amazon Verified Permissions permissions management and authorization service | Preview
▪️ AppConfig Agent easier feature flags and runtime configuration
▪️ AppFlow now supports over 50 Connectors
▪️ Application Composer visually design and build serverless applications | Preview
▪️ Application Migration Service application-centric migrations, wave planning, and more
▪️ Athena Spark support
▪️ Aurora zero-ETL integration with Redshift
▪️ AWS Marketplace streamline vendor risk assessments with Vendor Insights
▪️ Backup
     ▫️ application-aware data protection for apps defined with CloudFormation
     ▫️ centralized reporting
     ▫️ delegation of organization-wide backup administration
     ▫️ legal hold capability for extended data retention
     ▫️ Redshift support
▪️ CloudTrail Lake AWS Config configuration items
▪️ CloudWatch
     ▫️ cross-account observability
     ▫️ Internet Monitor Preview
▪️ CloudWatch Logs detect and protect sensitive data-in-transit
▪️ CodeCatalyst new service | Preview
▪️ CodeWhisperer Enterprise administrative controls, simple sign-up, C#/Typescript
▪️ Comprehend
     ▫️ classification and entity extraction directly from a variety of document formats
     ▫️ semi-structured document processing
▪️ Compute Optimizer external metrics from observability partners
▪️ Config proactive compliance
▪️ Connect Contact Lens
     ▫️ agent performance evaluation forms | Preview
     ▫️ conversational analytics for chat
▪️ Connect
     ▫️ forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling | GA
     ▫️ step-by-step guides in agent workspace | Preview
▪️ Control Tower
     ▫️ account customization
     ▫️ comprehensive controls management | Preview
▪️ Data Exchange
     ▫️ for Amazon S3 | Preview
     ▫️ for AWS Lake Formation | Preview
▪️ DMS Schema Conversion
▪️ DocumentDB Elastic Clusters | GA
▪️ EC2
     ▫️ C6in instances
     ▫️ C7gn instances
     ▫️ Hpc6id instances
     ▫️ Inf2 instances | Preview
     ▫️ R7iz instances
     ▫️ Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) Express
     ▫️ M6in, M6idn, R6in, and R6idn network optimized instances
     ▫️ Microsoft Office AMIs
     ▫️ Spot Ready Software Products
     ▫️ Torn Write Prevention for I4i instances, EBS, and RDS
▪️ ECS Service Connect
▪️ EFS
     ▫️ 1-Day Lifecycle Management Policy
     ▫️ Elastic Throughput
     ▫️ up to 60% read / 40% write lower latencies
▪️ Elastic Disaster Recovery cross-Region and cross-Availability Zone failback
▪️ Elastic Load Balancing new application availability
▪️ EventBridge Pipes point-to-point integration | GA
▪️ Firewall Manager FortiGate Cloud-Native Firewall
▪️ FSx for NetApp ONTAP simplifies access to Multi-AZ FS from on-premises and peered networks
▪️ FSx for NetApp ONTAP x2 maximum throughput capacity and SSD IOP/fs
▪️ FSx for OpenZFS new gen
▪️ GameLift customer-managed compute with GameLift Anywhere
▪️ Glue
     ▫️ custom visual transforms
     ▫️ Data Lake Frameworks (Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake)
     ▫️ Ray new engine for Glue Preview
     ▫️ Glue Data Quality | Preview
     ▫️ Glue v4.0 with Spark 3.3.0 and Python 3.10
▪️ GuardDuty RDS Protection | Preview
▪️ IoT Core new Device Location feature
▪️ IoT Device Management Jobs scheduling configuration
▪️ IoT MQTT5 General Availability
▪️ Kendra
     ▫️ expanded language support for semantic search
     ▫️ HTML documents tabular search
▪️ Kinesis Data Firehose data stream delivery to OpenSearch Serverless
▪️ KMS launches External Key Store
▪️ Lambda
     ▫️ Amazon Inspector support
     ▫️ SnapStart for Java functions
▪️ Local Zones Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Helsinki, and Muscat | GA
▪️ Macie automated sensitive data discovery
▪️ Marketplace for containers direct deployment to EKS clusters
▪️ Network Manager Global Network real-time performance monitoring
▪️ Nitro Enclaves EKS and Kubernetes
▪️ Omics new service | GA
▪️ OpenSearch Serverless | Preview
▪️ Organizations delegated administrator
▪️ Outposts is now available in Qatar, Guatemala, and Trinidad & Tobago
▪️ Partners
     ▫️ Glue Delivery
     ▫️ Graviton Delivery
     ▫️ MSK Delivery Managed Streaming
     ▫️ SageMaker Ready Software Products
▪️ QuickSight
     ▫️ Expanded API capabilities | GA
     ▫️ Paginated Reports
▪️ QuickSight Q
     ▫️ automated data preparation
     ▫️ new "Why" and "forecast" questions
▪️ RDS
     ▫️ Aurora PostgreSQL Trusted Language Extensions
     ▫️ Blue/Green Deployments
     ▫️ Optimized Reads up to 50% faster queries on RDS for MySQL
     ▫️ Optimized Writes up to 2x higher write throughput at no additional cost
▪️ Redshift
     ▫️ auto-copy from Amazon S3
     ▫️ centralized access control with Lake formation | Preview
     ▫️ Dynamic Data Masking | Preview
     ▫️ EMR integration for Apache Spark
     ▫️ Informatica Data Loader integration
     ▫️ integration for Apache Spark
     ▫️ RA3 clusters Multi-AZ | Preview
     ▫️ real-time streaming ingestion for KDS and MSK | GA
     ▫️ speed up data warehouse migrations | Preview
▪️ Route 53 Application Recovery Controller zonal shift
▪️ S3 Access Points cross-account access permission delegation
▪️ S3 Multi-Region Access Points failover controls enable active-passive configurations and customer-initiated failovers
▪️ SageMaker Autopilot automate MLOps workflows with SageMaker Pipelines
▪️ SageMaker Data Wrangler
     ▫️ built-in data preparation in notebooks
     ▫️ now supports over 40 third-party applications as data sources
     ▫️ real-time and batch inference and additional configs to processing jobs
▪️ SageMaker
     ▫️ geospatial ML | Preview
     ▫️ new ML governance tools
     ▫️ shadow testing
▪️ SageMaker JumpStart share ML artifacts within your organization
▪️ SageMaker Studio
     ▫️ automatic conversion of notebook code to production-ready jobs
     ▫️ real time collaboration
     ▫️ UI redesign
▪️ Security Lake new service | Preview
▪️ SimSpace Weaver new service | Preview
▪️ Step Functions large-scale parallel workflows
▪️ Supply Chain new service | Preview
▪️ Textract Analyze Lending
▪️ Transcribe real-time Call Analytics API
▪️ Verified Access new service | Preview
▪️ VPC Lattice new service | Preview
▪️ VPC Reachability Analyzer cross-account network reachability analysis
▪️ Wickr general availability

28 November – 04 December, 2022