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Issue #64

▪️ Application Auto Scaling resource tagging
▪️ Application Load Balancer TLS 1.3
▪️ Aurora cross-region disaster recovery capabilities | Melbourne
▪️ Backup for Amazon S3 is now available in Jakarta anв UAE
▪️ Batch configurable Ephemeral Storage on  Fargate
▪️ Clean Rooms general availability
▪️ CloudFormation language extensions transform +5 regions
▪️ Connect
     ▫️ multiple SAML 2.0 identity providers
     ▫️ Tasks custom task templates in flows
▪️ Corretto 20 | GA
▪️ Detective increased quota limits for data volumes
▪️ Direct Connect location in Muscat, Oman
▪️ DocumentDB Elastic Clusters +3 regions
▪️ EC2 C6in, M6in, M6idn, R6in, and R6idnmetal instances
▪️ ECS contextual failure reasons for task launches with capacity providers
▪️ Edge location in Peru
▪️ EMR EC2 C7g (Graviton3) instances
▪️ EMR on EKS
     ▫️ EG pod placement for managed endpoints
     ▫️ managed and self-managed node groups
▪️ GameLift per-second billing
▪️ IAM Listing tool for testing new Billing, Cost Management and Account console permissions
▪️ IVS multiple hosts in live streams
▪️ OpenSearch Service log patterns, metrics and Jaeger traces
▪️ RDS Proxy PostgreSQL 15
▪️ Redshift new getting started UX
▪️ Resilience Hub EKS support
▪️ S3 Event Notifications  EventBridge in the GovCloud Regions
▪️ SageMaker Data Wrangler OAuth based access to Snowflake
▪️ Security Hub +3 regions
▪️ Security Lake +3 additional regions | Preview
▪️ Service Catalog availability | Middle East (UAE) Region
▪️ SNS set content-type request headers for HTTP/S notifications
▪️ Thinkbox Deadline 10.2
▪️ VPC
     ▫️ DNS Query Logging now available in Jakarta region
     ▫️ Reachability Analyzer Gateway Load Balancers, Network Firewalls and PrivateLink
▪️ WorkDocs Search Resources API
▪️ WorkSpaces BYOL Windows 11

20 Mar 2023 –  26 Mar, 2023