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Issue #70

▪️  AppSync GraphQL Private API
▪️  Aurora Serverless v1 PostgreSQL 13
▪️  Aurora Serverless v2 +4 regions
▪️  Backup cross-region backups +4 regions
▪️  Batch dashboard customization on the console
▪️  CloudWatch Metric Streams filtering by metric name
▪️  CloudWatch Synthetics Synthetics NodeJS runtime version 4.0
▪️  Compute Optimizer
      ▫️  filtering by tags
      ▫️  identifies and filters Microsoft SQL Server workloads
▪️  Сonfig +23 resource types
▪️  Connect forecasting, capacity planning, and scheduling is now available in Canada Central
▪️  Console Mobile Application launches push notifications
▪️  Console Web User Notifications general availability
▪️  Device Farm Rooted Android Private Devices
▪️  Direct Connect new location in Phoenix
▪️  EC2 VSS application-consistent backups now supports PowerShell logging
▪️  EFS Replication is now available in all AWS Regions
▪️  Elemental MediaConnect SRT failover support
▪️  Elemental MediaConvert video passthrough
▪️  EMR on EKS
      ▫️  self-hosted notebooks for managed endpoints
      ▫️  vertical autoscaling to auto-tune application resources
▪️  GuardDuty Malware Protection on-demand scanning
▪️  Health now publishes service health events to EventBridge in primary and backup Regions
▪️  Inspector now allows customers to search its vulnerability intelligence database
▪️  IoT Core TLS 1.3 support through Configurable Endpoints
▪️  Kendra content-based query suggestions
▪️  Local Zones in Auckland is GA
▪️  MSK Kafka version 3.4.0
▪️  Network Firewall
      ▫️  Reject action in stream exception policy
      ▫️  Suricata HOME_NET variable override
▪️  OpenSearch Service Multi-AZ with Standby
▪️  QuickSight launches dataset parameters to optimize slicing and dicing experiences
▪️  RDS for PostgreSQL pgvector for simplified ML model integration
▪️  Redshift ra3.xlplus instances in Middle East, Europe and Asia Pacific Regions
▪️  Rekognition
      ▫️  face occlusion detection to improve identity verification accuracy
      ▫️  improves accuracy of content moderation for images and videos
▪️  Resilience Hub Trusted Advisor and Amazon DynamoDB support
▪️  Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Zonal shift + 18 Regions
▪️  SageMaker ml.inf2 and ml.trn1 instances for model deployment
▪️  Sagemaker Data Wrangler image data preparation
▪️  Security Hub
      ▫️  +4 integration partners
      ▫️  detailed tracking of finding changes with finding history feature
▪️  SimSpace Weaver Snapshots generally available
▪️  SNS
      ▫️  FIFO topics +5 regions
      ▫️  message data protection +5 regions
▪️  VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM) +2 regions
▪️  Well-Architected Tool Service Catalog AppRegistry integration