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Issue #73

▪️ Amplify Authenticator UI Library for Swift and Android
▪️ AppSync Merged APIs for GraphQL federation
▪️ Athena updates data source connectors to improve performance and reduce cost
▪️ Aurora
     ▫️  MySQL improves performance and failover recovery time when binlog is enabled
     ▫️  PostgreSQL improves availability of read replicas
▪️ Backup restoring resources with tags
▪️ Chatbot CloudWatch dashboards and Logs Insights in chat channels
▪️ CloudFormation StackSets available in (Melbourne), Europe (Spain), and Europe (Zurich)
▪️ Cognito  new console experience for identity pools
▪️ Connect Contact Lens theme detection
▪️ Connect provides contact records and events for external third-party calls
▪️ Copilot Static Site pattern to host single-page web applications
▪️ EC2
     ▫️  C7g instances are now available in Singapore
     ▫️  M1 Mac instances beta macOS versions
▪️ EKS Kubernetes version 1.27
▪️ ElastiCache for Redis data tiering now supports auto scaling
▪️ Elemental MediaPackage Low-Latency HLS
▪️ GameLift improves FleetIQ game session placement logic
▪️ Global Accelerator Hyderabad and UAE endpoints
▪️ IAM Identity Center temporary elevated access capabilities
▪️ KMS HSMs upgraded to FIPS 140-2 Security Level 3
▪️ MWAA is now SOC Compliant
▪️ ParallelCluster GPU instance health checks and RHEL8 support
▪️ RDS for PostgreSQL
     ▫️  minor versions 15.3, 14.8, 13.11, 12.15, and 11.20
     ▫️  Rust to build high performance database functions
     ▫️  up to 15 read replicas for RDS Multi-AZ with 2 readable standby-s
     ▫️  16 Beta 1 | Preview
▪️ RDS Performance Insights enhanced console experience
▪️ Redshift auto-commit statements in stored procedure
▪️ re:Post multiple email addresses
▪️ SageMaker JumpStart fine-tuning of Foundation Models with domain adaptation
▪️ SES  convert standard to dedicated IPs
▪️ Translate real time document translation
▪️ Wickr is now HIPAA eligible

28 May 2023