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Issue #74

▪️ AppStream 2.0 DCV Extension SDK
▪️ Billing and Cost Management Invoice Summary
▪️ Database Migration Service Serverless general availability
▪️ Detective investigations for new threat detections
▪️ Direct Connect
     ▫️ location in Bogotá, Colombia
     ▫️ location in Inzai, Japan
     ▫️ location in Santiago, Chile
▪️ EC2 IMDS Packet Analyzer simplifies migration to IMDSv2
▪️ ECR pull through cache for registry.k8s.io as upstream
▪️ Elemental MediaTailor delivery of client-side overlay ads
▪️ EventBridge open-source connector for Kafka Connect
▪️ Fault Injection Simulator new actions for EKS and ECS
▪️ Fraud Detector Event Orchestration with EventBridge
▪️ HealthLake interoperability-related ONC and CMS patient access rules
▪️ Interactive Video Service advanced channel types for flexible input encoding
▪️ IoT FleetWise S3 support
▪️ Lambda Kafka and Amazon MQ event sources in four additional regions
▪️ Managed Grafana is now System and Organization Controls (SOC) compliant
▪️ Marketplace Management Portal fine-grained seller permissions access
▪️ Personalize now offers more flexibility in model training
▪️ Polly +2 female NTTS voices in Irish English and Danish
▪️ Pricing Calculator visibility of point in time cost estimations
▪️ RDS for MySQL Optimized Reads on Multi-AZ with 2 readable standby-s
▪️ RDS for Oracle converting instances to CDB architecture
▪️ RDS for PostgreSQL HypoPG for creating hypothetical indexes
▪️ Route 53 GuardDuty threat intelligence
▪️ SageMaker Ground Truth Plus human feedback and fine-tuning data for Generative AI
▪️ Security Lake is now generally available
▪️ Service Catalog wildcards in IAM principal name associations
▪️ Shield Advanced CloudFormation support
▪️ Snow Family quickens multi-PB data migration with new 210TB device
▪️ SNS X-Ray active tracing for FIFO topics
▪️ VPC IP Address Manager customizable dashboard with new insights
▪️ WorkSpaces NICE DCV Extension SDK