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Issue #84

▪️  Artifact email notifications
▪️  Backup logically air-gapped vault | Preview
▪️  CloudWatch Agent OpenTelemetry traces and AWS X-Ray
▪️  Connect excluding outbound calls in deciding agent routing order
▪️  DataSync copying data to and from other clouds
▪️  Detective enhances visualizations to improve security investigations
▪️  ElastiCache for Redis online migration of clusters running in cluster mode
▪️  EMR Studio Lake Formation fine-grained access control
▪️  EventBridge
      ▫️  API Destinations | new regions
      ▫️  Schema Registry and Schema Discovery now in additional regions
▪️  Fargate process ID namespace sharing and kernel parameter configuration
▪️  Firewall Manager optimize WAF web ACL creation in AWS accounts
▪️  FSx
      ▫️  Lustre release inactive data
      ▫️  OpenZFS Multi-AZ deployment option for file systems
      ▫️  Windows File Server increases maximum throughput to 12 GB/s
      ▫️  Windows File Server scale IOPS separately from storage
▪️  Global Accelerator extends IPv6 support to EC2 endpoints
▪️  Glue Studio CodeWhisperer in additional regions
▪️  Interactive Video Service
      ▫️  live video output price changes
      ▫️  Real-Time Streaming
▪️  MSK Serverless +3 regions
▪️  MWAA Apache Airflow version 2.6
▪️  Network Load Balancer Security Groups support
▪️  OpenSearch Serverless deployments with Terraform
▪️  QuickSight
      ▫️  embedded callback actions
      ▫️  hierarchy layout for pivot tables
▪️  RDS Database Preview Environment PostgreSQL 16 Beta 3
▪️  RDS for MySQL new minor versions 5.7.43 and 8.0.34
▪️  RDS for Oracle July 2023 Release Update
▪️  S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval improves data restore time by up to 85%
▪️  S3 Mountpoint | GA
▪️  Security Hub +12 security controls
▪️  Service Catalog HashiCorp Terraform Cloud support
▪️  Timestream releases open-source ODBC driver