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Issue #86

▪️  AppFabric is now HIPAA eligible
▪️  Aurora Global Database Global Database Failover
▪️  Aurora MySQL  Percona Xtrabackup for MySQL 8 physical migrations
▪️  AWS ROSA hosted control planes | Preview
▪️  Certificate Manager Enterprise Controls to help govern certificate issuance
▪️  Connect  scheduling of agent group activities
▪️  Cost Allocation Tags  Last-Updated and Last-Used timestamps
▪️  Cost Explorer support for Billing Conductor
▪️  Dedicated Local Zones announce
▪️  EC2 Hibernate now supports M7i and M7i-flex instances
▪️  ElastiCache for Memcached simplifies creating new clusters in the Console
▪️  Global Accelerator client IP address preservation for NLB endpoints
▪️  GuardDuty Improvements to multi-account management
▪️  Microservice Extractor visualizing very large enterprise applications
▪️  PrivateLink user defined IP on VPC endpoints
▪️  QuickSight scheduled and programmatic export to Excel format
▪️  RDS for MariaDB MariaDB 10.11 for up to 40% higher transaction throughput
▪️  RDS for PostgreSQL minor versions 15.4, 14.9, 13.12, 12.16, and 11.21
▪️  re:Post enhanced search experience
▪️  SageMaker Data Wrangler
      ▫️ role-based access control for Amazon EMR
      ▫️ S3 access points
▪️  SageMaker
      ▫️ GPU/CPU profiler tooling for deep learning model development | Preview
      ▫️ new Rolling Deployment endpoint update option
▪️  SageMaker Model Cards cross-account sharing of model cards
▪️  SageMaker Studio Lab SageMaker Distribution
▪️  WorkSpaces new Linux client with Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04