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Issue #90

▪️  App Runner Auto-Scaling configuration management improvements
▪️  Bottlerocket new ECS-optimized AMI
▪️  Cloud Map introduces new API for retrieving service revision
▪️  CloudWatch new Metric Math for RDS Performance Insights
▪️  CloudWatch Synthetics new Synthetics Python runtime version 2.0
▪️  CodeArtifact Swift Package Manager
▪️  Competency Partners Telecom Services
▪️  Connect CloudFormation support for security profiles
▪️  DocumentDB in-place major version upgrade
▪️  EBS Multi-Attach io2 volumes now supports NVMe reservations
▪️  EC2 Console simulate interruptions in your Spot Fleet directly
▪️  EC2 M2 Pro Mac instances for macOS | GA
▪️  Glue Data Quality identify records that failed the CustomSQL rule type
▪️  Glue Interactive Sessions new kernel and support IAM Conditionals
▪️  HealthImaging supports CloudFormation
▪️  IAM Roles Anywhere credential helper now supports PKCS #11 modules
▪️  Location Services price reduction of up to 75% for tracking and geofencing
▪️  Lookout for Equipment model retraining
▪️  Management Console UX and navigation bar enhancements
▪️  Open-Source Corretto 21 | GA
▪️  QuickSight new layout and sparkline to KPI visual
▪️  RDS X2iedn instances for SQL Server
▪️  RDS for Oracle M6i, R6i, and R5b instances in new regions
▪️  RDS Performance Insights SQL-level metrics for RDS for SQL Server
▪️  SNS de-identify outbound messages via redaction or masking