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Issue #96

▪️ AppFabric Github and ServiceNow
▪️ App Runner IPv6 for public inbound traffic
▪️ Athena one hour reservations for Provisioned Capacity
▪️ Blu Age Runtime new regions and build, logging, alerting features
▪️ CodeCatalyst new user roles
▪️ Config advanced queries support 41 new resource types
▪️ Connect
      ▫️  3-rd party applications in the unified agent workspace | Preview
      ▫️  contact records and events for external third-party calls
▪️ Data Exchange provider-generated notifications
▪️ EC2
      ▫️  +8 new bare metal instances
      ▫️  Capacity Blocks for ML
▪️ Elemental MediaPackage expands manifest configuration options
▪️ Elemental MediaTailor +7 regions
▪️ EMR Studio
      ▫️  interactive analytics on EMR Serverless
      ▫️  SageMaker Data Wrangler low code data prep for ML
▪️ FinSpace code updates without restarting cluster
▪️ Global Accelerator
      ▫️  cross-account support
      ▫️  extends IPv6 support to dual stack NLB endpoints
▪️ IAM Access Analyzer 200+ AWS services coverage
▪️ IAM action last accessed information for more than 60 additional services
▪️ Kinesis Data Streams
      ▫️  EventBridge Pipes console integration
      ▫️  increases On-Demand write throughput limit to 2 GB/s
▪️ Lambda outbound IPv6 connections in +6 regions
▪️ Marketplace
      ▫️  agreements and renewals dashboard
      ▫️  new self-service listing feature for container products
      ▫️  programmatic notifications AMMP & Catalog API request completion
▪️ Partner Central
      ▫️  Enhanced content navigation and discovery
      ▫️  New Search
      ▫️  self-guided experience with automated Tasks
▪️ QuickSight Custom Total for Table and Pivot table charts
▪️ RDS
      ▫️  MySQL supports new minor version 5.7.44
      ▫️  Oracle October 2023 Release Update
      ▫️  SQL Server db.t3.micro instances
▪️ Redshift Multi-AZ RA3 clusters | GA
▪️ Resilience Hub Step Functions support
▪️ S3 Object Lambda integrates with Athena
▪️ SageMaker geospatial Processing jobs
▪️ Supply Chain Demand Planning
      ▫️  new Perpetual Forecast capability
      ▫️  product lifecycle support
▪️ Translate brevity customization to reduce translation output lengths
▪️ Trusted Advisor +64 new checks powered by AWS Config