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Issue #99

▪️   ALB/NLB FIPS 140-3 for TLS Termination
▪️   Amplify
       ▫️  server-side rendering (SSR) support
       ▫️  next-gen backend building capabilities
▪️   Athena CloudWatch metrics for Provisioned Capacity
▪️   CloudFront KeyValue Store, a globally managed key value datastore
▪️   CodePipeline starting a pipeline execution with source revision overrides
▪️   CodeWhisperer command line | Preview
▪️   Customer Profiles Flow simplifies authentication
▪️   Distro for OpenTelemetry Logs support
▪️   DocumentDB
       ▫️  I/O-Optimized
       ▫️  no-code machine learning with SageMaker Canvas
▪️   EC2 Image Builder image lifecycle management and deletion
▪️   EC2 Mac Apple macOS Sonoma
▪️   EC2 Security group connection tracking adds support for configurable idle timeouts
▪️   Elastic Block Store io2 Block Express volumes available on all EC2 Nitro
▪️   EMR on EC2 launch clusters in 5 minutes or less
▪️   EMR on EKS Flink | GA
▪️   EMR Studio CodeWhisperer support
▪️   Entity Resolution HIPAA eligible
▪️   FSx for OpenZFS additional performance metrics
▪️   Glue
       ▫️  entity-level actions to manage sensitive data
       ▫️  serverless Spark UI and observability metrics
▪️   IAM Identity Center APIs for visibility into workforce access to AWS
▪️   IoT SiteWise
       ▫️  Asset model components
       ▫️  bulk import, export and update of metadata
       ▫️  ingestion of buffered and batched measurement data
       ▫️  multi-variate anomaly detection with Amazon Lookout for Equipment
       ▫️  storage tier for industrial data
       ▫️  Query API for metadata, and telemetry data retrieval
       ▫️  user-defined unique identifiers
▪️   IoT TwinMaker new features to improve the digital twin entity modeling
▪️   Kinesis Data Streams cross-account access with Lambda
▪️   Lake Formation data filters now support permissions on nested data
▪️   Marketplace Vendor Insights Security and MSSP Specializations
▪️   OpenSearch Service OpenSearch version 2.11
▪️   Outposts rack supports service link interface throughput metrics
▪️   Partner Competency Advertising and Marketing Technology
▪️   QuickSight
       ▫️  asset events using EventBridge
       ▫️  Connectivity to Google BigQuery
       ▫️  export and import of asset permissions and tags
       ▫️  redesigned analysis experience
       ▫️  runtime filtering for embedded dashboards and visuals
       ▫️  runtime theming for embedded dashboards and visuals
       ▫️  SPICE capacity auto-purchase
▪️   RDS for PostgreSQL version 16
▪️   Redshift Glue column-level statistics integration
▪️   S3
       ▫️  Batch Operations buckets or prefixes in a single step operation
       ▫️  Mountpoint optimizes for repeated data access
       ▫️  Connector for PyTorch
       ▫️  enabling S3 Object Lock on existing buckets
       ▫️  server access logging now supports automatic date-based partitioning
▪️   Systems Manager Incident Manager identifies probable root causes of incidents
▪️   Verified Permissions
       ▫️  batch authorization
       ▫️  enhanced visual mode for schema editing