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Issue #66 🎂

Happy Birthday!

Today marks the first birthday of AWS Weekly, and I wanted to give a big shoutout to all our amazing subscribers for making this milestone possible. Thank you for your unwavering support and trust to keep you up-to-date on the latest AWS news and updates. If you haven't already subscribed, join us now for a concise, informative weekly newsletter that will keep you in the loop on all things AWS.

▪️  Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 15
▪️  Amplify Library for Swift macOS Support is GA
▪️  Amplify Studio is now available in the Europe South (Milan) Region
▪️  App Runner +7 new compute configurations
▪️  AppStream 2.0 is now available in the GovCloud (US-East) Region
▪️  Athena external data sources
▪️  Aurora PostgreSQL 14.7, 13.10, 12.14, and 11.19 versions
▪️  Billing Conductor pricing change
▪️  CDK policies validations during synthesis
▪️  CloudFormation StackSets +2 AWS Regions
▪️  CloudFront S3 Object Lambda Access Point origin
▪️  CloudTrail Lake available in GovCloud (US) Regions
▪️  CodeCatalyst Dev Environments GitHub repositories support
▪️  CodePipeline +3 additional regions
▪️  Competency Partners Cloud Operations
▪️  Config 23 new resource types
▪️  Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) for Amazon MemoryDB
▪️  EC2
      ▫️  EPYC3 instances now support EBS-optimized
      ▫️  Graviton2-based instances are available in additional regions
      ▫️  On-Demand Capacity Reservations – Utilization Notifications
▪️  ElastiCache for Redis new cluster creation UX
▪️  EMR on EKS Spark with Java 11
▪️  Glue  available in AWS Europe (Spain) and AWS Europe (Zurich)
▪️  HealthLake now available in Asia-Pacific (Mumbai) AWS region
▪️  Kendra Microsoft OneDrive Connector
▪️  Kinesis Data Analytics is now available in additional AWS regions
▪️  Lambda introduces response payload streaming
▪️  Migration Hub High Availability SAP HANA systems
▪️  Monitron extends data stream with closure codes and status from sensors
▪️  MWAA Shell Launch Scripts
▪️  Network Firewall IPv6-only subnets
▪️  NICE DCV DCV and DCV Extension SDK are GA
▪️  Polly full support in AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region
▪️  Proton Git management of service configurations
▪️  RDS
      ▫️  add ElastiCache cache from Console
      ▫️  Custom for SQL Server Multi-AZ deployments
      ▫️  MySQL up to 15 read replicas for RDS Multi-AZ with 2 readable standbys
▪️  Resource Explorer export Search Results in csv
▪️  S3
      ▫️  beginning to apply two security best practices to all new buckets by default
      ▫️  object replication status
▪️  SageMaker
      ▫️  is now available in Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) Region
      ▫️  sharing predictions with QuickSight
      ▫️  Canvas 45+ data sources for no-code ML
      ▫️  Feature Store hard deletion in online store
▪️  Security Hub +4 new security best practice controls
▪️  Service Catalog Terraform open source
▪️  Supply Chain general availability
▪️  SWF PrivateLink support
▪️  Systems Manager Distributor New Relic Infrastructure Monitoring agent
▪️  Textract
      ▫️  AnalyzeDocument - Tables feature
      ▫️  Bulk Document Uploader
▪️  Trusted Advisor
      ▫️  fault tolerance checks for ECS
      ▫️  introduces Engage for Enterprise On-Ramp Support customers | Preview
▪️  VPC bring your own IP in 2 additional AWS Regions
▪️  WorkSpaces Core introduces MS Office 2019 Professional Plus bundle

9 April 2023